Dana Clarke
Ms Dana Clarke was the winner of the NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year Award at the 2016 NSW Women of the Year Awards.
Dana Clarke is a proud Worrimi Aboriginal woman who has worked in Aboriginal health, domestic violence prevention, child protection, sexual assault and mental health for over 25 years.
Dana was appointed the Chief Executive Officer for Burrun Dalai Aboriginal Corporation in 2005. Burrun Dalai provides services to children and their families and carers to achieve the best possible life outcomes by raising Aboriginal children in a safe and nurturing environment which keeps them connected to their community and culture, while maintaining their family identity and family relationships.
Dana has successfully grown Burrun Dalai to become the largest rural service provider of accredited Aboriginal out-of-home care and family support services in NSW. Dana is recognised within the industry and her community for her passionate advocacy for the needs of Aboriginal children and young people in out-of-home care.