Help with unexpected issues
It's important to get help quickly if something happens unexpectedly to your finances. See the range of support services that are available to you.
Support for disasters or emergencies
Information, advice and resources if you have been impacted by a disaster or other emergency.
- Stay up to date with the latest COVID-19 information.
- Moneysmart's COVID-19 support—Learn more about looking after your finances during the pandemic.
- Bushfire customer care service—The Service NSW team has specialists to help you every step of the way. Call 13 77 88
- NSW Rural Fire Service—Lead combat agency for bushfires in NSW.
- Fire and Rescue NSW—FRNSW helps the provision of fire, rescue and hazmat services in cities and towns across NSW.
- DroughtHub—Find out more about financial assistance, wellbeing services and other resources. Call 1800 678 593.
- Flood assistance—Disaster payments, grants and financial assistance for people living in areas affected by severe storms and floods in NSW. Call 13 77 88.
- Storm and flood assistance for businesses—Disaster recovery assistance is available to businesses in eligible NSW local government areas that have been impacted by storms and floods.
- Resilience NSW—Helping communities rebuild and recover after natural disasters including floods, droughts and bushfires.
- Disaster Assistance—Find out about natural disaster assistance for communities and individuals directly affected by flood, fire, storm damage or any other declared natural disaster.
- Disaster Recovery Payment—You may be eligible for a disaster recovery payment.
- Agricultural and Animal Services Hotline—Advice on emergency fodder, emergency water, livestock or domestic animal assessment. Call 1800 814 647.
- Emergency Relief—If you are facing a financial crisis, get help from a provider near you.
- Link2Home emergency housing — Support services if you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Call 1800 152 152.
- Ask Izzy—Find a range of local support services near you.
Support services for money concerns
If you're worried about debts, it's never too early to seek advice. Find out more about your financial rights, information on making financial complaints, or financial disputes.
- National Debt Helpline—It’s important to seek help quickly if you feel your debt is getting out of control. The National Debt Helpline provides a free, independent and confidential service. Call 1800 007 007.
- National Debt Helpline: Solutions—Advice and support from the National Debt Helpline that can help make your debts more manageable.
- Lifeline—Get help and take steps to improve your financial situation. Call 13 11 14.
- Financial support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples—Mob Strong Debt Help can provide financial advice and support. Call 1800 808 488.
- Moneysmart tips—Financial advice and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Financial Rights Legal Centre—Free legal services if you are in financial stress, including consumer credit, banking, debt recovery and insurance issues. Call 1800 007 007.
- Community Legal Centres NSW Recommendation Service—Personalised support to connect you with community legal centres.
- 1800RESPECT—If someone takes away your access to money, manipulates your financial decisions, or uses your money without consent, you can get help. Call 1800 737 732.
- Moneysmart financial abuse—Advice on how to protect yourself and your money.
- Financial Abuse Service NSW—Free confidential legal information and advice. Call 02 9698 7277.
- NSW Ageing and Disability Helpline—Support and information about financial abuse for older people or people with disability. Call 1800 628 221.
- Good Shepherd—Supporting women to increase their choices, opportunities and outcomes in life. Learn more about their grants and programs.
- Arise Foundation—Supporting financial abuse survivors through customised programs, dedicated to addressing their unique needs.
- Two Good Co.'s 'Pathways' — A tool designed to guide and empower women in their journey to financial independence and literacy, including healing from financial abuse.
- The Centre for Women’s Economic Safety Ltd (CWES)—Exists to support women experiencing, at risk of experiencing, or recovering from economic abuse in the context of domestic and family violence.

Economic, Financial and Elder Abuse - Women's Financial Toolkit
- eSafety Commissioner—If you are unsure whether you’re at risk of or experiencing tech abuse, learn more about the warning signs and get support.
- ACCC advice—Scams can happen to anyone so find out how to protect yourself with ACCC’s Little Black Book of Scams.
- NSW Fair Trading scams and cybercrime—Learn more about the different types of scams and cybercrime, and how to protect yourself.
- Scamwatch—Sign up to Scamwatch to receive email alerts on new scams targeting consumers and small businesses.
- ID Support NSW—ID Support NSW help customers if their government proof of identity credentials are stolen or fraudulently obtained.
- Dark patterns —This page describes common dark patterns consumers will encounter online, so you can identify and avoid them when shopping online.

Scams and Cybercrime - Women's Financial Toolkit
- Tech Savvy Seniors—Tech Savvy Seniors program helps you build the skills and confidence to use computers, tablets and smartphones.
- Gambling help online—If you think gambling is affecting your life you can get help. Call 1800 858 858.
- Making a complaint about a retailer or business—If you have a problem with a retailer or business, see if NSW Fair Trading can help.
- Australian Financial Complaints Authority—Provides free and fair dispute resolutions for individual consumers and small businesses. Dispute services include:
- credit
- finance or loans
- insurance
- banking deposits and payments
- investments
- superannuation.
- Call 1800 931 678.
- Small Business and Family Enterprise—Can get help to find the best business dispute resolution service. Call 1300 650 460.
- Energy Made Easy—Provides independent advice and support with problems involving your energy service.
- Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman—Small businesses and residential consumers can get free and independent help with phone and internet complaints. Call 1800 062 058.
- Justice Connect Get ePrepared - Learn how to store electronic copies of your important documents, in case you need them in an emergency.
- NSW Trustee & Guardian—NSW Trustee & Guardian supports the people of NSW in planning for their future legal, health and financial decisions. The agency can also be appointed as a person's financial manager and/or guardian by a court or tribunal. They can help with wills, power of attorney, enduring guardianship and more.
- Workplace Adjustments—Information on types of adjustments, legal responsibilities and asking for adjustments.
- SafeWork NSW—SafeWork NSW are New South Wales’ workplace health and safety regulator.
- LawAccess NSW—Provides free legal assistance for people who have a legal problem in NSW. Call LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529 Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm (excluding public holidays) for legal help or visit the website for chat services.
- Legal Aid— Provides a range of legal services to disadvantaged people, and representation in some cases to those who cannot afford a private lawyer.
- Aboriginal Legal Service—Provides a range of legal services to Aboriginal people in NSW and ACT.
- Community Legal Centres—Find a Community Legal Centre in your area. Community Legal Centres are independent non-government organisations that provide free legal help to people and communities, at time when help is needed most.
- Youth Law Australia—Providing free, confidential legal information & help for young people under 25.
- Arts Law—Provide free or low cost specialised legal advice, education and resources to Australian artists and arts organisations across all art forms, on a wide range of arts related legal and business matters.
- Willow (Women's Legal on the Go)—Willow is a free legal information project by Women’s Legal Service NSW.
Elder Abuse
- Seniors Rights Service—Provides legal advice, advocacy and information to older people.
- Compass—Information and support for people experiencing elder abuse. Visit the website or call 1800 353 374.
- NSW Ageing and Disability Commission - Support and information about financial abuse for older people or people with disability. Call 1800 628 221.
Explore the Women’s Financial Toolkit
Everyday money matters
Explore a range of resources to help plan everyday spending, savings tips and advice, and ways to improve your present and future financial wellbeing.
Planning for the future
See the range of advice, topics and resources to help you find the right information to plan your future and long term financial wellbeing.