Participation and Empowerment
There are a range of services and organisations that help women living in regional, rural and remote NSW engage with their community.
Find information specific to you
Crisis support
- 13 YARN —Call 13 92 76 to talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander crisis supporter.
- The Aboriginal Funeral Transport Program - This Transport for NSW initiative provides assistance with transport for Aboriginal communities throughout NSW to attend funerals within NSW.
Mental health support
- WellMob—Social, emotional and cultural wellbeing online resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
- MindSpot—MindSpot Indigenous Wellbeing Course is a clinically-proven treatment that helps adults 18 years and over improve their psychological health and overcome symptoms of depression and anxiety.
- Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet—Helping to close the gap by providing the evidence base to inform practice and policy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.
- Find a medical service—This interactive map of Australia enables you to search for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health/Medical Services by state or territory.
- Yarning about Girls Business—Is a youth friendly resource from Family Planning Australia developed specifically for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls.
Employment, business and training
- Aboriginal Employment Services—AES offers a unique service to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into careers and walks along with them during their employment journey to provide advice, mentoring and other specialist supports.
- Business Toolkit for Indigenous Women—Aims to inform and inspire Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in their aspirations to be successful business women.
- CareerTrackers—A national non-profit with the goal of creating pathways and support systems for Indigenous young adults to attend and graduate from university with high marks, industry experience and bright professional futures.
- National Indigenous Australians Agency Remote Jobs Program—Job opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in remote communities.
- Training for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples—A range of services and programs including mentorship and career.
Money matters
- Mob Strong Debt Help—A free legal advice service about money matters for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from anywhere in Australia.
- Money Smart—Money tips and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Deadly Tots—Deadly Tots App contains information for every Aboriginal Family to help their bub learn and grow.
Mental health support
- ACON Counselling—ACON’s counselling team specialise in HIV counselling, substance support, suicide prevention and aftercare and general LGBTQ+ counselling if any of your clients are wanting some extra support.
- QLife—LGBTQI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. Call 1800 184 527.
- HERE—ACON’s digital suicide prevention hub, connecting the LGBTQ+ community, their loved ones, and service providers to care, support, and resources.
General Resources
- ACON—Community health and inclusion for people of diverse sexualities and genders.
- Twenty 10—Twenty10 incl. GLCS (Twenty10) supports people across Sydney and New South Wales who may be LGBTIQA+.
- Minus 18—Minus18 is Australia's charity improving the lives of LGBTQIA+ youth.
- The Gender Centre Inc—The Gender Centre Inc. is the peak state-wide multidisciplinary centre of excellence providing a broad range of specialised services that enables the exploration of gender identity and assistance with the alleviation of gender dysphoria.
- TransHub—Digital information and resource platform for all trans and gender diverse people in NSW, our loved ones, allies and health providers.
- QLife—LGBTQI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. Call 1800 184 527, webchat also available.
- Queer Ability—ACON’s project which provides information to LGBTQ+ communities about accessing the NDIS.
- Dress for Success—Free programs and services for women including transgender women and non-binary people comfortable in a woman’s space.
Training and inclusion support
- Pride Training—ACON’s site for all training needs if the team are wanting some more in depth training opportunities.
- Welcome Here—ACON’s project to encourage businesses, organisations and service providers to show they are inclusive to our communities.
- Pride Inclusion Programs—Offering a range of services to assist employers, sporting organisations and service providers with all aspects of LGBTQ inclusion.
General resources
- Multicultural NSW—Multicultural NSW promotes community harmony and social cohesion in one of the most culturally diverse states in the world.
- Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)—AMEP is a free service to help eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants with low English levels to improve their English language skills and settle into Australia.
- Community Hubs—Supporting migrant and refugee families, particularly mothers with young children, to connect, share, and learn, bridging the gap between migrants and the wider community.
- Families in Cultural Transition (FICT) Program—Series of workshops designed to help newly arrived people from refugee backgrounds make sense of the changes that they and their family members may be experiencing as they transition to their new life in Australia.
Mental health support
- Transcultural Mental Health Line—The Transcultural Mental Health Line is a telephone service available to support people who live in NSW and who are from culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Call 1800 648 911 Monday - Friday between 9:00am and 4:30pm.
Employment and training support
- Recognition of Trade Skills—If you have trade proficiency but haven’t completed an apprenticeship or formal qualification in Australia, you'll need to go to a registered training provider and undertake some gap training.
- Refugee Employment Support Program—An initiative by the NSW Government that addresses the challenges that are experienced by refugees in finding suitable and skilled employment opportunities.
Overseas Qualifications Assessment—Compare an overseas qualification to an Australian qualification.
Skills Assessment Pilot—The Australian Government is supporting stronger economic growth through pilot (temporary) programs to increase workforce participation for skilled migrants and address critical skills shortages in Australia.
- Carer Gateway—Carer Gateway is a free support program for Australia’s 2.65 million unpaid carers. Call 1800 422 737.
- Carers NSW—Improving the lives of all carers in NSW. Providing information, education and training, resources and referrals to support carers.
- Carers Australia—Advocates and lobbies on a wide range of issues to improve the lives of Australia's carers.
- Mental Health Carers NSW (formerly Arafmi NSW)— Provides advocacy and support for families and friends of people experiencing mental illness. If you’re caring for someone with mental illness, you can contact the Carers Connection Helpline on 1300 554 660 to receive information, referrals and support.
- Financial Support—Many carers are eligible for some form of income support from the Australian Government.
- Synapse Australia — National Program providing support groups and services for people impacted by brain injury or disability and their carers.
- Carers resources—A range of different resources for people caring for someone with a disability, chronic illness, mental illness, frail age, dementia or drug or alcohol dependency.
- Carers with specific needs—There are a number of services and programs available for carers with specific needs and requirements.
- Carers Knowledge Exchange—The Carer Knowledge Exchange brings together carers, former carers, researchers, policy makers and practitioners to share their knowledge and learn from each other. The digital platform features a research library with the latest Australian evidence about carers and a range of ways to get involved.
- NSW Carers Advisory Council—Advances the interests of carers. The Council provides advice to the NSW Government on legislation, policy and other matters relating to carers.
Young carers
- Young Carers—Young carers are children and young people, 25 years or under, who help to support a family member or friend living with a disability, mental illness, drug or alcohol dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is frail.
- Young Carer Bursary Program— Supports young carers to continue with their education. The program offers a limited number of $3000 bursaries each year.
Support and resources
- Disability Gateway - The Disability Gateway has information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia. Visit the website or call 1800 643 787.
- Service NSW Financial Support - How to access financial support when you live with disability.
- Neve - is a safe, accessible space. It is by and for women, girls, feminine identifying and non-binary people with disabilities. Offering resources for wellbeing, toolkits and support.
- Job Access—Access for People with Disability is all about accessing support and providing you with information on disability employment.
- PACE Mentor Program—Mentors to help people with a disability with job interview techniques, writing your CV, understanding how a business works, and defining your career path.
- Powering Up Women—A holistic and practical approach for women living with disabilities to develop life and employment skills.
- Stepping Into Internship Program—Internship opportunities for university students with a disability who are in their second last year, final year or recently graduated.
- RecruitAbility—Employment opportunities for people with a disability in the Australian Public Service (APS).
- Workplace Adjustments—Information on types of adjustments, legal responsibilities and asking for adjustments.
- Ability Agriculture—Increasing awareness, support, representation and opportunity for disability in agriculture.
- WWDA LEAD Toolkit—Provides information and resources to support women and gender diverse people with disabilities to build their confidence, skills, and knowledge in leadership.
Support and resources
- My Aged Care—If you need some help around the house or think it’s time to look into aged care homes, My Aged Care is here to help. Visit the website or call 1800 200 422.
- Seniors information— Find out about concessions available to seniors, how to apply for the Age Pension, and get help with decisions about your future legal, health and financial needs.
- Seniors Card—The NSW Seniors Card and Senior Savers Card are for NSW permanent residents over the age of 60 to receive discounted products and services.
- Older Women's Network NSW—Promoting the rights, dignity and wellbeing of older women.
- Older Persons Advocacy Network—Free, independent and confidential support and information to older people seeking or already using Australian Government-funded aged care services across the nation, along with their families and carers. Call 1800 700 600.
- Australian War Widows—Support for widows and veterans families through peer support, social connection groups, health and wellbeing programs, advocacy and case management.
Careers and employment
- Tailored Pathways to Employment for Older Women—The Older Women’s Network NSW (OWN NSW) Pathways to Employment program is a free service for women over 50 with a desire to rejoin the workforce. It is designed to work closely with you one on one, to facilitate your re-entry and appropriate placement in the workforce.
Legal issues and elder abuse
- NSW Trustee & Guardian—NSW Trustee & Guardian supports the people of NSW in planning for their future legal, health and financial decisions. The agency can also be appointed as a person's financial manager and/or guardian by a court or tribunal. They can help with wills, power of attorney, enduring guardianship and more.
- Seniors Rights Service—Provides legal advice, advocacy and information to older people.
- Compass—Information and support for people experiencing elder abuse. Visit the website or call 1800 353 374.
- NSW Ageing and Disability Commission - Support and information about financial abuse for older people or people with disability. Call 1800 628 221.
- Dementia Australia —Information and support for people experiencing dementia, along with their families and carers. Visit the website or call 1800 100 500.
- National Bowel Cancer Screening Program —The Program is an Australian Government initiative that sends out free bowel cancer screening tests to eligible Australians aged 50 to 74 every two years.
- Planning for End of Life —These guides provide a checklist of the various tasks and documents involved in planning for end of life, including where you can get professional help.
Peer support and connection
- Friendline—FriendLine is for anyone who needs to reconnect or just wants a chat. Call 1800 424 287, 10am to 8pm, 7 days a week.
- NSW Seniors Festival— The festival celebrates the role and contributions of older adults to our local communities. Christmas concerts are held in regional areas.
Digital connection
- Tech Savvy Seniors—Tech Savvy Seniors program helps you build the skills and confidence to use computers, tablets and smartphones.
- Be Connected— Be Connected is an Australian Government initiative aimed at increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians in using digital technology.
- Emergency Accommodation—This is a guide for people who are at risk of becoming, or who are, homeless, as well as for people needing temporary crisis accommodation in an emergency.
- Aged care, home living assistance and retirement villages —Find out if you are eligible for an Australian Government home care subsidy to help you continue living in your own home, information about moving to an aged care home or retirement village.
- ACYP—The Advocate for Children and Young People provides many opportunities for children and young people, including events, the Youth Advisory Council, creative endeavours and more.
- Young people hub—Useful information, guidance and support services for all stages of a young person's life in NSW.
- Regional youth—Information on initiatives to improve lifestyles and outcomes of young people living in regional NSW.
- Youth action—Youth Action is the peak body representing young people and the services that support them in NSW.
- Moneysmart - Saving and debt resource for young people.
- Successful Futures Portal - The Successful Futures Portal is an initiative of COMPACT Incorporated, which aims to assist young people to get a start in their desired career.
Mental Health
- Kids Helpline—If you are 25 years or younger and are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping or staying safe call 1800 55 1800 or visit Kids Helpline to chat (Available 24/7).
- Beyond Blue—Brief counselling available 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or onlinue. Resources and support available online.
- Reachout—A safe place to chat anonymously, get support, and feel better.
- Headspace—Information and support around mental health and wellbeing. Call 1800 650 890 or visit the website to chat with someone online.
Mental health online programs
- BITE BACK—BITE BACK is a free, self-guided online wellbeing and resilience program for young people aged 13–16 years old.
- MoodGYM—This free, fun, interactive program helps you identify and overcome problem emotions and shows you how to develop good coping skills for the future.
- BRAVE Program— The BRAVE Program is an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety.
- Relationships 101 Booklet—From Family Planning Australia the booklet provides information about relationships for young people and is available in 23 different languages.
LGBTIQA+ resources
- Twenty 10—Twenty10 incl. GLCS (Twenty10) supports people across Sydney and New South Wales who may be LGBTIQA+.
- Minus 18—Minus18 is Australia's charity improving the lives of LGBTQIA+ youth.
Young Carers
- Children of Parents with Mental Illness — Having a parent with a mental illness can be tough. But COPMI have a lot of information and videos to help you get your head around it all.
- Young Carers—Young carers are children and young people, 25 years or under, who help to support a family member or friend living with a disability, mental illness, drug or alcohol dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is frail.
Young farmers
- TAFE Primary Industries Centre—VET course for students interested in kick starting their career in the Agriculture or Horticulture industries.
- Young Farmer Business Program— an initiative of the NSW Department of Primary Industries to help you gain the skills you need for the office – not the paddock or boat.
Peer support
- Womn-Kind—Womn-Kind provides access to support in an approachable, relatable and non-intimidating way and is striving to create a community where girls can gather and share a set of experiences.
- Pregnancy, Birth and Baby helpline —Call 1800 882 436 to speak to a maternal child health nurse about behavioural and development concerns for children up to 5 years.
- PANDA —Supports the mental health of parents and families during pregnancy and in their first year of parenthood. Visit the website or call 1300 726 306 (Monday to Saturday).
- Parent Line NSW—Call on 1300 1300 52 for confidential advice and support about parenting and family issues from a qualified counsellor.
- Having and growing a family—Information about having a baby, fostering or adopting a child and pregnancy and birth care.
- Your local NSW child and family health centre—For health checks, information and support.
- Family Connect and Support—Links children and their families to the appropriate support services in their local area.
- Raising Children—for information and resources on nutrition, development, behaviour and parenting children of all ages.
- Deadly Tots—Deadly Tots App contains information for every Aboriginal Family to help their bub learn and grow.
- Kidsafe—For information on how to make your home safer for children.
- Raising Children— Has information, tips and resources for single parents.
- Relationships Australia NSW—Offers a range of support services, courses and programs to help single parents and their children cope with change after a family separation.
- Parenting young children—Information for parents or carers of young children in NSW who have not yet started primary school.
- Schooling—Enrol in a public primary school or high school or find out about school term dates and the education system.
- Parenting programs and courses—If you want to build your parenting skills and strengthen family relationships, a parenting program or course can help. Find courses in your community.
Peer Support
- Motherland—Motherland Village is Australia’s first personalised online rural mothers group program.
- Parent groups and play groups—Joining a parent group or playgroup with your child can help build a support network of those with a similar experience. Find a local parent group or playgroup.
Government agencies
- Local Land Services—Local Land Services is a regional-focused NSW Government agency delivering quality customer services to farmers, landholders and the wider community.
- Department of Primary Industries—NSW DPI works hand-in-hand with producers – through droughts, floods, fires and biosecurity challenges – to drive stronger primary industries.
- Department of Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry—They maintain and create agricultural export opportunities, to provide gains for Australian agriculture, fishing and forestry.
- Regional Investment Corporation The Regional Investment Corporation (RIC) is an Australian Government-backed specialist finance provider for farmers and farm-related small businesses.
- SafeWork NSW—SafeWork NSW are New South Wales’ workplace health and safety regulator.
- Water NSW—Responsible for supplying the state's bulk water needs, operating the state's river systems and dams and the bulk water supply system for Greater Sydney and providing licensing and approval services to its customers and water resource information.
- Natural Resources Access Regulator—NRAR is committed to helping people comply with water laws because we know most people want to do the right thing. We aim always to listen, acknowledge different perspectives, and encourage a two-way relationship.
Non-government organisations
- Royal Agricultural Society of NSW—A not-for-profit organisation committed to supporting agricultural development and rural communities in Australia.
- National Farmers' Federation—Peak national body representing farmers and, more broadly, agriculture across Australia. It is one of Australia’s foremost and respected advocacy organisations.
- National Rural Women's Coalition—Providing a collaborative voice for women living in regional, rural and remote Australia.
- Australian Women in Agriculture—Australia's peak organisation for women across all areas in agriculture, since 1994. They are a network of women across Australian agriculture and beyond.
- Ag Shows NSW—Information on agriculture shows across New South Wales.
- Women Together Learning - Growing and inspiring women in agribusiness.
- Farm Relief Tool—Connects farmers with Australian Government financial assistance and community support to help prepare for, and recover from drought, natural disaster or biosecurity events.
- Ability Agriculture—Increasing awareness, support, representation and opportunity for disability in agriculture.
- AgriFutures Australia—An organisation that proudly focuses on growing the long-term prosperity of Australian rural industries.
- Rural Aid—Provides critical support to farmers affected by natural disaster through financial, wellbeing and fodder assistance.
- Rural Assistance Authority—Provides tailored access to loans, grants, rebates and subsidies for primary producers and small business operators.
- Rural Financial Counselling Service—Free, independent and confidential assistance to help eligible farmers and small rural related businesses with current and long-term financial planning.
- Young Farming Champions—The YFC are identified youth ambassadors and future influencers working within the agriculture sector.
- The Rural Woman—A collaborative global online community, connecting millions of rural women who support each other to realise their full potential.
- NSW Primary Industries Schools Program—The program develops teaching resources for schools using primary industries as the context for learning across the curriculum.
- Tocal College—Provides specialised training to the rural industries.
- TAFE Primary Industries Centre—VET course for students interested in kick starting their career in the Agriculture or Horticulture industries.
- Young Farmer Business Program— an initiative of the NSW Department of Primary Industries to help you gain the skills you need for the office – not the paddock or boat.
Support organisations
- NSW Office for Veterans Affairs (OVA)—Manages state programs commemorating and assisting veterans in collaboration with all NSW Government agencies, the Commonwealth Government and community stakeholders.
- Commonwealth Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA)—Has primary responsibility for supporting veterans in Australia. Visit the website or call 1800 838 372.
- Find an ex-service organisation—Ex-service organisations (ESOs) provide support to current and former Australian Defence Force members.
- The Partners of Veterans Association of Australia—Welcomes all partners, ex-partners or widows/ers of all current and former Australian Defence Force (ADF) members. The network is an expansive resource of shared knowledge and experience of the life of an ADF family, offering support, friendship, information and understanding.
Mental health
- Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling—Open Arms is Australia’s leading provider of high-quality mental health assessment and clinical counselling services for Australian veterans and their families. Visit Open Arms or call 1800 011 046.
- Safe Zone Support—Safe Zone Support is an anonymous counselling service that supports current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members, veterans and their families. The specialist counsellors have an understanding of military culture and experience. Visit Safe Zone Support or call 1800 142 072.
- Veterans' Advocacy Service – Legal Aid NSW—The Veterans' Advocacy Service (VAS) is a statewide specialist service providing legal advice, assistance and representation to people who have served in the Australian Defence Force and their dependants.
- Veterans Resources—A range of resources for veterans and their families.
- Rent Choice Veterans Program—Rent Choice Veterans is a program for former members of the Australian Defence Force. The program supports veterans and their families who meet income eligibility limits.
Employment and training
- Veterans Employment Program—The Veterans Employment Program (VEP) provides support for veterans who are interested in pursuing a career in the NSW public sector. The VEP provides tools and resources to help them find and apply for roles that complement their military skills and experience.
- TAFE NSW – Ranks to Recognition Program—TAFE's Ranks to Recognition Program provides veterans with access to free career counselling and recognition of prior learning. TAFE also offers 1,400 Smart and Skilled courses, ranging from a Cert I through to an Advanced Diploma.
- Veterans Skills Program – fee-free training—Fee-free training for all veterans and their recognised partners. Learn new skills and qualifications to help you find the right job and have a rewarding civilian life. There are 750 fee-free training opportunities at Smart and Skilled vocational training providers funded by the NSW Government.
Support for Widows
- Australian War Widows—Support for widows and veterans families through peer support, social connection groups, health and wellbeing programs, advocacy and case management.
- Success Works—Transforming the lives of women affected by the criminal justice system, providing them with employability skills and empowering them to present themselves to an employer who sees their potential.
- Have your say—Find NSW Government consultations happening in your community and share your opinions on new projects, services and government policy.
Community participation
Find information about ways to participate in your community through volunteering, events, social and business connection and free training opportunities.
- NSW Volunteering—Find volunteering opportunities and resources.
- The Centre for Volunteering NSW— Home to a variety of resources, training and tools that support best practice in volunteer management and volunteering.
- Hidden Treasures Honour Roll—A recognition program for women volunteers in regional, rural and remote NSW.
- GIVIT—Find volunteering opportunities near you.
- Emergency Volunteering - If you want to help during a disaster, consider volunteering with an emergency service or volunteer organisation before a disaster occurs and learn how to become an emergency volunteer in NSW.
- Visit NSW—Find events across NSW.
- Rural Women's Gathering —An annual event bringing together women across regional, rural and remote NSW. Held in Orange, November 25 to 26, 2023.
- Ag Shows NSW—Agriculture shows across New South Wales.
- Older Women's Network—OWN groups are self-determining and vary according to their member’s needs and wants, and are reflective of their location. Find a group near you, or start your own.
- Rural Women's Network—Subscribe to the Rural Women's Network.
- National Rural Women's Coalition—Providing a collaborative voice for women living in regional, rural and remote Australia.
- The Rural Woman—A collaborative global online community, connecting millions of rural women who support each other to realise their full potential.
- Motherland—Motherland Village is Australia’s first personalised online rural mothers group program.
- SALT - Supporting and Linking Tradeswomen (SALT) seek to change attitudes around women in the trades by providing mentoring, support and a network for tradeswomen, apprentices and women wanting to enter a trade.
- ReCommunity Project—Is a community led project by the Mid North Coast Community College. Aspiring to bring the local community back together with workshops, events and a podcast featuring inspiring locals from the community.
Online safety and skills
- eSafety Commissioner—Numerous webinars across various topics such as online safety for family, getting started with social media and staying safe online.
- Tech Savvy Seniors—Tech Savvy Seniors program helps you build the skills and confidence to use computers, tablets and smartphones.
- Be Connected— Be Connected is an Australian Government initiative aimed at increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians in using digital technology.
Webinars and training
- Dress for Success—Numerous webinars across various topics such as returning to work and interviewing skills.
- Subsidised and Fee Free Short Courses—TAFE NSW is a joint initiative of the Australian and New South Wales Governments, providing tuition-free training places for people wanting to train, retrain or upskill.
- NSW Women of the Year Awards—Recognise and celebrate the outstanding contribution made by women across NSW.
- Hidden Treasures Honour Roll—Acknowledge and thank female volunteers through a public tribute to recognise the vast number of women who give their time and energy to help others.
- AgriFutures Rural Women's Award—Australia’s leading award empowering and celebrating the inclusive and courageous leadership of women involved in Australia’s rural and emerging industries, businesses, and communities, now and into the future.
- Rotary Inspirational Women's Award—Recognise service to the community across all sectors.
- Shine Awards—The Shine Awards is a partnership between The Weekly Times and Harvey Norman celebrating Australia’s rural women.
- BeRural—A photography campaign to recognise the diverse women of regional, rural and remote NSW.
Explore the Rural Women's Resource
Economic Opportunity and Advancement
This section brings together resources to assist women in rural, regional and remote NSW manage their money, study, gain employment and own a business.
Health and Wellbeing
This section brings together resources to help women living in regional, rural and remote NSW manage their physical and mental health and wellbeing.