Pay your fine
Pay your fine or overdue fine now to avoid additional costs and recovery action. Find out what payment options are available.
Some online services will be unavailable on Tuesday afternoon.
More payment options
You can also use our self-service portals and pay or manage your fine online.
Other ways to pay
You can BPAY through your bank or financial institution. You'll find your payment reference number and biller code on your fine or overdue fine notice.
Call us on 1300 130 112 to pay securely by credit card. We accept Mastercard or Visa payments up to $50,000.
You can pay your fine at any Australia Post Office or Service NSW Service Centre.
Australia Post accepts cash, cheque or money order.
Before you visit a SNSW Service Centre, check to see which payment methods they offer. Not all Service Centres accept cash, cheque or money order.
Options if you're having difficulty paying
If you're experiencing financial difficulty, there are options available to help you such as setting up a payment plan.
You may be eligible to:
- have your fine reduced or written-off
- apply for a Work and Development Order (WDO).

What happens if you don't pay on time
If you've received a fine reminder notice, it's important that you make a payment by the due date to avoid additional costs.
If your fine is overdue
If your fine is overdue and you have received an overdue fine notice, additional costs of $65 (for an adult) or $25 (for a minor under 18) will apply. If your overdue fine remains unpaid, we may take further action to recover the costs.
If you weren't the driver
If you are not responsible for the offence and the offence carries demerit points, you must nominate the person responsible to have the fine transferred to them.
If you want to dispute your fine
You have the option view a camera image of your offence and request a review of your fine if you believe there were special circumstances that led to the offence being committed.
Fines issued to companies
Pay a fine or overdue fine issued to a company.
We're making it easier to manage your fines
You'll soon be able to easily pay and manage your fines through your MyServiceNSW account. We'll let you know when this new service is available.

Common questions
Your reference number can be found at the top of your fine notice or in the ‘how to pay’ section at the bottom of your overdue fine notice.
If you move and don’t update your address with Transport for NSW, your fine notice may have been sent to an old address. You can change your address with the NSW Government on your MyServiceNSW account or call 132 213. This will apply to your driver’s license and vehicle registrations. You must do this within 14 days of changing your address.
If you have opted to have your fines sent digitally, your fine would have been sent via email.
If you can’t find your fine notice, you can contact us on 1300 138 118. You will need to provide the following information as proof of identification:
date of birth
licence number
registration number.
You can authorise someone to act on your behalf by completing our online Authority to Act form
If you overpay your fine, your over payment may be reallocated to any other outstanding fines you may have. If you don’t have any outstanding fines, we will refund you the amount overpaid. Please contact us on 1300 138 118 if you have overpaid.
Your overdue fines must be paid before restrictions can be lifted. Payments can take up to 3 days to be received, or longer if the payment was posted. Once the payment has been received it can take 24-48 hours for the suspension on your licence or cancellation of vehicle registration to be removed.
We recommend you contact Service NSW on 13 77 88 and confirm the status of your licence or vehicle registration before driving.
Contact Revenue about your fine
Got a question or need help?
Call Revenue NSW Monday to Friday between 7am to 7pm.
- Call 1300 138 118 if you have a fine that is not yet overdue and you would like to set up a payment plan.
- Call +61 2 7808 6940 if you are overseas and have an enquiry about your fine.
Overdue fines
- Call 1300 655 805 if you have an existing overdue fine and you would like to discuss payment options.
- Call +61 2 7808 6941 if you are overseas and have an enquiry about your overdue fine.
Submit an online fines enquiry
Complete our feedback form