Our public health units
We work across Western NSW and Far West NSW, delivering services and programs to protect the health of the people living in our communities by identifying, minimising and preventing public health risks.
Public health risks can be infectious, chemical or radiological and can come from any source, including humans, animals or the environment.
We provide advice and education, and enforce public health legislation like the Public Health Act 2010, the Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008 and the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000.
Contact one of the following Public Health Units or call 1300 066 055 to contact any public health unit in NSW.
Phone: (02) 6330 5880
Fax: (02) 6330 5783 (secure line)
After hours: 0428 400 526
PO Box 4061, Dubbo, 2830
Phone: (02) 6809 8979
Fax: (02) 6330 5783 (secure line)
After hours: phone 0428 400 526
PO Box 457, Broken Hill, 2880
Phone: (08) 8080 1216
Fax: (08) 8080 1196 (secure line)
After hours: 0428 400 526
Immunisation and vaccination
Immunisation is one of the most effective measures to control vaccine-preventable diseases. We conduct and support vaccination programs across our communities each year, and can provide the latest information about:
- childhood vaccinations
- Aboriginal Immunisation Program
- school vaccinations
- vaccination for healthy aging
- pregnancy vaccinations
- occupational health vaccine enquiries
- vaccinations for seasonal illnesses, like influenza
- Neonatal Hepatitis B Vaccination Program
Our immunisation service can give advice regarding vaccine safety and what diseases are important to vaccinate against. We also provide support to health professionals and immunisation providers in the community, in line with NSW Health guidelines.
For advice and information on travel vaccinations, speak to your GP.
For more information on immunisation and vaccination contact one of our Public Health Units or visit the NSW Health website.
Environmental health
We monitor and investigate a range of environmental health issues in our local communities, addressing the physical, chemical and biological factors which could potentially affect health, including:
- water safety and quality
- public swimming pools and recreational water use
- tobacco regulation
- mosquito and arbovirus control
- microbial control, like Legionella control
- Aboriginal environmental health
- industries, including skin penetration and funeral industry
To help keep our communities safe, we work in partnership with NSW Health, NSW Office of Water, NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), the District Emergency Management Committee, Health Intelligence Unit, local government agencies and a variety of Non-Government Organisations such as Red Cross and Local Aboriginal Land Councils.
Contact Environmental Health Services on 1300 066 055 or visit the NSW Health website.
Infectious disease
We help manage infectious disease outbreaks if they occur, and provide services to people if they are experiencing health concerns caused by infectious diseases.
We undertake a range of activities related to the surveillance, investigation and control of infectious diseases, including COVID-19, to reduce the spread of infection.
We respond to reports of specific, notifiable diseases from doctors, laboratories, hospitals, schools and childcare centres. The team also provides support and advice about non-notifiable diseases which may pose risks to public health.
Notification of diseases is vital, as it allows our staff to work with other health workers to ensure appropriate measures are taken to prevent further spread of disease and identify a disease source.
For all enquiries regarding an infectious disease phone 1300 066 055 to speak to a surveillance officer.
Visit the NSW Health website for more details and reports on infectious diseases, as well as fact sheets and information about ways to prevent and control their spread.
Doctors, hospitals, schools and childcare centres must report certain medical conditions to public health authorities in NSW, these diseases are grouped into eight categories:
- Blood Borne Viruses
- Enteric disease (infections transmitted orally through food and water)
- Respiratory diseases (Infectious of the airways and lungs)
- Sexually transmissible infections (STIs)
- Vaccine preventable diseases
- Zoonotic diseases (infections transmitted by insects such as mosquitoes and ticks)
- Others (diseases that are notifiable but not classifiable under the above conditions, such as invasive group A streptococcus)
Visit NSW Health infectious diseases for lists of notifiable diseases, notification forms and guidance on how and when to make a notification.
For enquiries regarding an infectious disease or to report a notifiable infectious disease phone 1300 066 055 to speak to a surveillance officer.
Tuberculosis service
Tuberculosis (TB) can damage a person’s lungs or other parts of the body and cause serious illness. Healthcare providers are encouraged to refer anyone with signs and/or symptoms of TB for specialist consultation.
We can connect you with health professionals if you are impacted by TB, to provide clinical assessment and diagnosis, routine screening and testing and treatment.
Regular clinics are held at Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange and Broken Hill and specialist TB clinicians are also available to work with your doctor and other healthcare providers.
Contact one of our Public Health Units for more information or visit NSW Health Tuberculosis.
In NSW, BCG vaccinations are recommended for children less than five years old who will have prolonged or frequent travel to high TB incidence countries, and newborn children of parents with Hansen's disease (leprosy) or a family history of Hansen's disease.
BCG vaccination must be requested. Clinics operate regularly at central locations. As there is limited availability of BCG vaccination in NSW Health clinics, we recommend submitting a request 4-6 months before travel.
The nearest clinic will contact you to make arrangements after your request has been received. Complete and submit a request for BCG vaccination.
Needle and syringe programs (NSP)
We provide services under the NSW NSP, to help reduce the spread of blood-borne infections such as Hepatitis C and HIV. No referral is necessary, and NSP outlets are confidential, anonymous services.
NSP services are delivered by hospitals, multipurpose services, community health centres, and internal and external dispensers. Find your nearest outlet using NSW Health's interactive map, and read more about these services at NSW Needle and Syringe Program.
To find out more about community sharps management, including what to do if you find a needle or syringe visit Community sharps management.
Area | Service | Phone |
Bathurst, Blayney, Canowindra, Condobolin, Cowra, Eugowra, Forbes, Grenfell, Molong, Oberon, Orange, Parkes, Peak Hill, Rylstone, Tottenham, Trundle, Tullamore | Orange NSP 96 Kite Street | (02) 6393 4800 |
Baradine, Binnaway, Bourke, Brewarrina, Carinda, Cobar, Collarenebri, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Coonamble, Dubbo, Dunedoo, Enngonia, Gilgandra, Gongolgon, Goodooga, Gulargambone, Gulgong, Lightning Ridge, Louth, Mudgee, Narromine, Nyngan, Tilpa, Trangie, Walgett, Wanaaring, Warren, Weilmoringle, Wellington | Dubbo NSP 203 Brisbane Street | (02) 6809 7300 |
Balranald, Broken Hill, Buronga, Dareton, Ivanhoe, Menindee, Tibooburra, Wentworth, White Cliffs, Wilcannia | Broken Hill NSP 2-4 Sulphide Street | (08) 8080 1100 |