Community drug and alcohol services in Western NSW
Western NSW Local Health District's community drug and alcohol services offer assistance and support for people dealing with substance use problems.
About the service
Drug and alcohol services provide treatment and support for people experiencing problems related to the use of substances including alcohol, cannabis, stimulants, heroin or prescription medications (e.g. opioid analgesics, benzodiazepines).
How we help
- conduct a drug and alcohol assessment
- provide a range of counselling options, care coordination and other supports
- provide referral to a drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation facility
- provide referral to other services for integrated care, such as hepatitis and Blood Borne Virus testing and treatment and referral to services such as mental health
- work with Addiction Specialists, inpatient services and GPs
- provide information on options for withdrawal
- help with admission to an inpatient facility, or an inpatient mental health unit
- offer support from a peer worker with lived experience
- offer support from an Aboriginal clinician
- provide support following discharge from an inpatient facility or unit
- work with the person’s family and carers (with the person’s consent).
Access, referrals and contacts
For emergencies or urgent assistance call 000.
Call the Drug and Alcohol Helpline 1300 887 000 for advice or referral to all drug and alcohol services in Western NSW. You can self-refer or be referred by a family member or other service provider.
The helpline is available Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm, excluding public holidays.
The NSW Alcohol and Other Drug Information Service 1800 422 599 provides a 24-hour helpline for advice and information.
Local drug and alcohol service contacts
If your town is not listed, contact your nearest service for information about outreach or virtual care services.
Town | Phone |
Bathurst | (02) 6330 5850 |
Bourke | (02) 6870 2600 |
Condobolin | (02) 6861 2570 |
Coonabarabran | (02) 6849 1600 |
Cowra | (02) 5338 5700 |
Dubbo Drug and Alcohol Counselling Service Dubbo Opioid Treatment Program |
Forbes | (02) 6850 7300 |
Lightning Ridge | (02) 6820 5700 |
Mudgee | (02) 6371 9700 |
Orange MERIT Program (Curran Centre) |
Parkes | (02) 6861 2570 |
Our drug and alcohol services
Details about the support provided by our drug and alcohol services.
Community Drug and Alcohol Counselling provides counselling and support by drug and alcohol clinicians who work with people to address their goals. Some group programs are also offered. The services are located in communities across the District and also provide outreach services to other communities, with most co-located with mental health services that can support treatment and provide shared care.
Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) provides opioid treatment options to people who have an opioid dependence. Dosing is provided through public clinics, hospitals, or local community pharmacies. Opioid is a substance that is used to treat pain such as morphine and codeine.
Take Home Naloxone program provides overdose education with Take Home Naloxone packs. Naloxone is a drug that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose or adverse reaction.
Cannabis Clinic offers support to people wanting to reduce or stop their cannabis use. The Cannabis Clinic is available in Orange and Bathurst. It provides assessment, treatment plan development, counselling, withdrawal support, education, health promotion and referral as required.
Support is available for pregnant women with substance use concerns.
For more information about the referral process, talk to your antenatal clinic or contact the 24-hour Drug and Alcohol Central Intake Service on 1300 661 050.
The Magistrates Early Referral Into Treatment (MERIT) Program is a 12 week intensive program for people who have matters before the courts. MERIT is available through the following courts: Orange, Dubbo, Wellington, Bathurst, Blayney, Oberon, Forbes and Parkes. A person can self-refer, or be referred by the magistrate, police and other services.
Youth Drug and Alcohol Clinical Service Network (YDACSN) aims to increase access to drug and alcohol services for young people aged 10 to 18 years with virtually-based clinicians supporting local service providers to deliver the drug and alcohol treatment.
Program overview
The Youth Drug and Alcohol Clinical Support Network:
- Co-ordinate the treatment and care for young people with moderate to severe substance use across the Western NSW Local Health District.
- Assist people working with youth and their families to provide evidenced based support and interventions.
Substance use may include alcohol, drugs, vaping and solvent misuse.
When a young person has a moderate to severe substance use problem, their substance use may impact on their mental health, physical health, attendance at school or work, relationships with family and friends, finances and unwanted contact with the Youth Justice system.
Substance use can happen at any age and it can effect an individual, their families and the community in a number of different ways. Studies have shown that young people who engage in problematic substance use are at greater risk for lifelong negative consequences.
Young people can come to rely on substance use as a coping strategy in response to life stressors or underlying problems that they believe are overwhelming or not able to be solved. Youth Drug and Alcohol Clinical Support Network acknowledges that the substance use of each young person has a purpose for them, even when associated with unwanted complications.
The Youth Drug and Alcohol Clinical Support Network provides:
- assistance with screening, assessment, care planning, treatment and care coordination for young people with complex needs
- links to local services and referral pathways to support coordination of care between service providers
- clinical advice and support for service providers (government and nongovernment) working with young people aged 10 to 18 years with ‘moderate to severe’ substance use
- training, education, tools and resources to enhance the capacity of services to deliver a range of evidence-based drug and alcohol supports and interventions for young people.
Referrals to the service can be made by any young person or their family as well as by any other service provider including GP’s, Health Services, Non-Government Organisations, Department of Communities and Justice, Youth Justice, Police, or Education.
Referrals can be made by contacting, YDACSN on (02) 6369 7920 or, or via the Western NSW LHD Drug and Alcohol Helpline on 1300 887 000 (8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday).
People attending Orange, Dubbo and Bathurst Base Hospitals who also have drug and alcohol related problems can get help from the Drug and Alcohol Consultation Liaison Service.
This is an involuntary inpatient program for people who are unable to stop their substance use. The Drug and Alcohol Helpline (1300 887 000) can advise if this program could be a treatment option.
Withdrawal and residential rehabilitation services
Withdrawal services help people with the early stages of stopping or reducing their alcohol or other drug use. Both outpatient and inpatient withdrawal services are available, based on the client’s likely severity of withdrawal, general health, social supports and preferences.
Residential rehabilitation services provide care and support for people in an alcohol and drug-free residential community setting. The programs may be medium to long-term (4 weeks to 12 months) and some services provide programs for populations with specific needs, such as young people and women with children.
Services can be accessed by calling the Drug and Alcohol Helpline on 1300 887 000 or by visiting the NSW Health website.