Specialist Intellectual Disability Health Team (SIDHT)
NSW Health funds 6 multidisciplinary Specialist Intellectual Disability Health Teams (SIDHT) across NSW to improve health outcomes for people with an intellectual disability. Together these teams make up the NSW Specialist Intellectual Disability Health Service (IDHS).
The Western NSW LHD SIDHT provides a virtual service to communities in Western NSW, Murrumbidgee and Far West LHDs.
For more information or to make a referral call us on (02) 6369 8542 or email WNSWLHD-SIDHT@health.nsw.gov.au.
Accessible services and facilities
We are committed to improving the health journey for people with disability, their carers and families. This includes the creation of inclusive and welcoming healthcare services where the needs of people with disability are met.
If you have any concerns about accessing or engaging with our health services please contact: WNSWLHD-Disability@health.nsw.gov.au
We encourage everyone who uses our services to give feedback and get involved so we can continue to improve.