Receptive language refers to comprehension or understanding what others say. Receptive language skills are essential for making sense of the sentences we hear or read, such as understanding questions, and following instructions.
Some children have trouble understanding what others say or write. They might have difficulty:
- following directions
- answering questions
- understanding concepts (for example, where something is or what it looks like).
Expressive language is the way we use words and sentences to express our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. We rely on expressive language skills to talk with others, build relationships, express our views, and participate in activities.
Some children have trouble using words and sentences. They might have difficulty:
- asking questions
- using all the words in a sentence, including little words (such as a and the) and grammar to add meaning (for example, cat versus cats)
- putting words in the right order in a sentence
- naming objects or pictures
- telling a story
- using words to tell someone what they want or how they feel.
Speech pathologists help children who have language difficulties.
For many children, there is no known cause for their difficulty with understanding and/or using language. There are different terms that are used to describe language difficulties in children. These include developmental language disorder (DLD), specific language impairment (SLI), language delay, and language impairment.
What is children's language and how to help
The short video explains:
- What is language?
- What should a child know and when?
- How can I help a child with language difficulties?
What a child should know and when
Children learn language skills at different ages.
Children typically say their first real words at 12 months of age. These are most often names of people and objects (such as ball, car). They begin to put two words together (for example, throw ball) and understand two-step instructions (for example, give me the ball and the car) by 2 years of age. Children’s vocabularies continue to grow to include different words, including action words (such as jump, push) and describing words (big, fluffy). Children typically say sentences containing 4 to 5 words by 3 years of age. By 5 years of age, children typically say and understand more complex sentences and can tell simple stories.
To read more about children’s language development across different ages, visit:
- Speech Pathology Australia – (Download “Communication Milestones”)
- Words For Life – Milestones
- Raising Children – The Australian Parenting Website.
- Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder (RADLD).
What you can do to help
You can help young children learn words and sentences in different ways.
Read books with children every day. Talk about the pictures, and what children are interested in on the page.
Play games and do activities together. Think of words that match the activity (names, actions, describing words). Say these words often during the game (for example, blocks, box, put on, stack, fell). Say the words in short sentences too (stack the blocks, the blocks fell down). Pause and give children a chance to try and say the words.
Repeat what children have said. This shows that you're interested in what they say. Make their sentences a little longer by adding some words.
- Repeat back sentences to add information:
Child: Jump up
Adult: Big jump up - Repeat back sentences to make them clearer:
Child: Dog woof!
Adult: The dog says woof!
Praise children if they attempt to copy the longer sentences you say. It is okay if they do not copy you.
Printable handouts
Here are some handouts with practical activities/ideas you can do with children to help their language development.
Download the summary page for tips on helping children with language (PDF 694.86KB).
Helping children with language
Download the language (PDF 1.77MB) resource for the complete collection of language handouts.
The handouts include suggested play-based activities and books that provide opportunities for children to hear and learn about different words, sentences, and uses of language.
Help children to:
- Use more words (PDF 700.18KB).
- Use longer sentences (PDF 670.44KB).
- Use clearer sentences (PDF 654.21KB).
- Ask for things (requesting) (PDF 653.5KB).
- Use words to disagree (PDF 627.95KB).
- Ask questions (PDF 650.13KB).
- Answer question (PDF 649.27KB)s.
- Use describing words (PDF 680.52KB).
- Tell a story or describe what happened (PDF 649.47KB).
- Use emotion words (PDF 675.54KB).
- Use little words in sentences (PDF 650.54KB).
More information
Visit these websites for more information about supporting children’s language development:
- Words For Life has ideas for fun activities to do with children. Once on the site, click on the relevant age range and then click the “Fun stuff” link.
- Day by Day: Learning Together is a free app with fun everyday ideas to help children aged 0-3 years learn language skills.
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association has detailed information about late language emergence in children (2-4 years).
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association has detailed information about spoken language disorders (3-21 years).
Check with your local library for story time or other children’s groups that may be held at the library.
Please note: This web page has been developed for families by Western NSW Local Health District and Charles Sturt University, as part of a NSW Health Translational Research Grant titled “Waiting for speech pathology: Device versus advice?”.