What Parkes offers
The Parkes precinct covers an area of 4,800 hectares in the Central West region of NSW. It is situated at the only junction of Australia’s two rail spines, the Inland Rail and the Trans-Australian Railway.
Taking advantage of this location, Parkes is home to the National Logistics Hub. From here, suppliers can access up to 80 per cent of Australia’s population within 12 hours by road or rail. This allows the delivery of local products across Australia and around the world.
Click to enlarge: Parkes Special Activation Precinct (PDF 1.02MB)
Parkes sits at the epicentre of Australia’s rail freight network and Pacific National is delighted with its $35 million commitment to start developing the Parkes Logistics Terminal adjacent to the Inland Rail.
Dean Della Vale, Pacific National CEO
of industrial land.
to Sydney.
within 1 hour drive.
Special Activation Precinct area.
Industry and employment opportunities
The Parkes precinct will build on already-planned private and government investments, creating up to 3,000 jobs across a range of industries.
As Australia’s first UNIDO Eco-Industrial Park, the precinct offers sustainability solutions, including waste and water reuse and energy use and generation.
Read more about the goals and vision for our Special Activation Precincts.
Cold chain logistics operators can capitalise on the Parkes precinct’s existing, thriving road freight industry and its location at the crossroads of Australia’s major freight rail lines.
Parkes is also a gateway to one of NSW’s most productive agricultural regions with a thriving food manufacturing industry. This offers investors an opportunity to develop a built-for-purpose facility, with intermodal access to 80% of Australians overnight.
The Central West region generates more than $4.9 billion in agricultural products, Parkes precinct’s transport connectivity offers innovative manufacturers a chance to capitalise on the expected growth in grain-based food products.
Parkes is ideal as a central hub for mining. There are world-class gold and copper mines nearby and more than 15 critical mineral projects in the region.
The precinct will offer access to four major ports within 24 hours with unsurpassed access to rail carriage for heavy materials.
It offers a unique opportunity to connect mineral extraction projects with growing demand for critical metals and rare sands.
Investors can access the skilled mining, resources and metallurgical workforce supporting the existing minerals industry.
The Parkes precinct will be NSW’s first dedicated resources and recycling precinct with direct rail access. Recyclers can access feedstock from 80% of the Australian population overnight.
Investors can establish their own collection network or leverage existing collectors and cost-effective onsite storage.
- Australia generates in excess of 540,000 tonnes of e-waste each year
- By 2026 the National Television & Computer Recycling Scheme aims to increase the volume of e-waste recycled by 63%
- Metals reclaimed through recycled e-waste valued at $370 million each year in Australia.
Demand for plant-based meat substitutes is growing rapidly. This sector is expected to grow by 3.6% by 2025 while the global plant-based meat industry is expected to exceed US$140 billion by 2029.
The precinct will promote sustainability and offer opportunities within the growing plastic recycling industry.
Australians use 3.5 million metric tonnes of plastic each year with only 13% of domestic plastic recycled. The export of mixed plastics from Australia was banned in 2021, increasing the opportunities for domestic recycling.
The Parkes Special Activation Precinct will provide efficient recycled and renewable energy and strong telecommunications infrastructure.
Data centre operations can leverage the region’s existing skilled workforce – more than 60% of the region’s workforce holds a certificate or higher-level qualification – and low natural hazard risk.
A proposed energy from waste facility will provide a reliable energy source for businesses in the Parkes precinct. It will also play a key role in the precinct’s circular economy, using technology proven throughout the world.
There are opportunities to optimise the waste stream, including:
recycling, reuse and re-manufacturing
on-site energy from waste facility for residual waste
Delivery process and next steps
The Special Activation Precinct model supports streamlined development approvals and business concierge support. This gives investors the confidence to relocate, establish operations, and attract skilled workers.
- The second revision of the Parkes Delivery Plan has now been finalised, led by the Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation.
- The delivery plan outlines the process and requirements for a business to set up and operate in the precinct, supported by the streamlined planning process.
- The design and construction contract for the first stage of infrastructure has been awarded, and construction is underway.
- Registration of Interest is open for the Parkes Special Activation Precinct Release 1A. CBRE & Ray White are the managing agents bringing the 27-hectares of land to market, available for sale through Expressions of Interest in early 2025.
- For more information on our progress, review the latest project updates.
October 2021
Construction commenced in partnership with Fulton Hogan, the design and construction contractor.
Enabling works will activate around 1,500 hectares of land for development within the Regional Enterprise sub-Precinct, Commercial Gateway sub-Precinct and Resource Recovery and Recycling sub-Precinct (west).
You can view the land uses allowed within each sub-precinct in the Parkes Special Activation Precinct master plan.
The Stage 1 Enabling Works include:
- building of roads and
- installation of services including water, wastewater, power, digital and telecommunications and energy services
- roundabout at the intersection of Brolgan Road and the new Coopers Road
- two new overpass bridges over the railway lines
- a new 30MVa substation and all associated utilities Roundabout
Stage 1 Enabling Works are expected to be complete in 2023.
October 2022
Parkes northern gateway development announced.
It will include a highway service centre, a future commercial and businesses park, and site infrastructure works such as roads, water, sewer and other utilities.
September 2023
Delivery Plan on exhibition
November 2023
Delivery Plan finalised
September 2024
Second revision of the Parkes Delivery Plan finalised
November 2024
Parkes Special Activation Precinct Release 1A, Registration of Interest is open, click here to learn more
Latest updates and resources
Browse and download more information about our Parkes Special Activation Precinct, including:
Frequently Asked Questions
Appropriate management and mitigation measures will be used to ensure any necessary vegetation removal is undertaken in line with:
- Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
- Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 No 63
- Any conditions of approval outlined in the precinct’s master plan
Plans are in place to mitigate and reduce noise impacts where possible including:
maximising the distance between noisy equipment and nearby properties
scheduling noisy work at less sensitive time periods (such as during the day or early evening, where possible)
regular maintenance of equipment
installing noise control equipment on machinery and tools
noise compliance monitoring
use of temporary noise barriers
scheduling respite periods for high noise activities, such as saw cutting
providing advanced notice of planned noisy work to neighbouring communities to help them plan
the use of squawkers rather than beepers on vehicles
directing the noise and lights away from residents when possible
training and induction of workforce to ensure best practice
Stage 1 Enabling Works provides work opportunities for young people, disadvantaged and under-represented groups. It also provides employment and training to local residents.
Traineeships and apprenticeships will address skills shortages within the construction industry and NSW. This aligns with the NSW Government’s Smart & Skilled Program and NSW Skills Program.
Apprentices and trainees will be engaged directly by Fulton Hogan, subcontractors or group training companies.
To register your interest, please contact the Fulton Hogan project team:
- Phone: 1800 329 135
- Email: ParkesSAP@fultonhogan.com.au
The Aboriginal Participation in Construction (APiC) policy was developed to support greater participation by Aboriginal people in government construction projects across NSW.
Under the policy, a minimum of 1.5 per cent of project spend must be dedicated to Aboriginal participation.
The project is currently exceeding this. Its focus is on:
- direct and indirect employment (employees, subcontractors and labour hire)
- awarding contracts to Aboriginal businesses
- buying goods and services from Aboriginal businesses
- education – cultural awareness, training courses for Aboriginal workers
- payments to Aboriginal businesses/community organisations
- other types of expenditure.
For more information, please contact the Fulton Hogan project team:
- Phone: 1800 329 135
- Email: ParkesSAP@fultonhogan.com.au
Contact us about our Parkes precinct
For details on the progress of construction or investment opportunities, please contact us at the Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.
Email: activationprecincts@regional.nsw.gov.au
Phone: 1300 REGION (73 44 66)
Further information
Find out more about our Special Activation Precincts, Regional Job Precincts, Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation, and the Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund.
Our other Special Activation Precincts
Our goals and vision for Special Activation Precincts
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