What South Jerrabomberra offers
South Jerrabomberra is located at the doorstep of Queanbeyan. Its proximity to the Australian Capital Territory supports employment and investment opportunities.
With the expanding Poplars Innovation Precinct, and emerging growth in the defence, cyber security and high-technology industries, the South Jerrabomberra Regional Job Precinct is uniquely positioned to create a specialised hub for these sectors.
The precinct will:
Identify potential areas for expansion to attract new and existing businesses to the area
Build on the $23 million investment by the NSW Government to improve infrastructure within the business park, funded by the Growing Local Economies Fund.
The master planning process will help coordinate investment and development that is already underway, including:
Poplars Innovation Precinct
South Jerrabomberra residential estate
a Regional Sports Complex
the new Jerrabomberra High School

Click to enlarge: South Jerrabomberra Regional Job Precinct (PDF 1.01MB)
Industry and employment opportunities
The NSW Government is working closely with Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, the ACT Government and federal agencies.
Their goal is to identify barriers to development and opportunities for employment growth in industries such as:
information technology
scientific research.
South Jerrabomberra is one of four Regional Job Precinct locations, which also include Albury, Richmond Valley and Namoi.
Delivery process and next steps
The draft South Jerrabomberra master plan went on public exhibition in late 2023.
Work on the final master plan and updates to the local planning processes are now underway.
The NSW Government is leading the master planning that will provide local councils, regional communities, industry, and businesses with greater confidence around future investment and development.
The project team held in-person community and business information sessions to provide an overview of the draft master plan and answer questions.
The South Jerrabomberra Regional Job Precinct draft master plan and technical reports were on exhibition from 1 November 2023 to 15 December 2023.
Visit the Planning Portal to view the exhibited documents.
Updates and resources
Contact us about our South Jerrabomberra precinct
For more information, or to subscribe to updates from the Regional Job Precincts team, please contact us, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.
Email: regionaljobprecincts@regional.nsw.gov.au
Phone: 1300 REGION (73 44 66)