About the project
The Regional Roads Australia Mobile Program Pilot (RRAMP) is jointly funded by the NSW Government and Australian Government. The pilot has up to $48 million available to fund new infrastructure, or the expansion of existing infrastructure, on regional highways and major roads in regional NSW.
The RRAMP pilot for regional NSW was announced by the Australian Government and NSW Government in November 2024: $48 million mobile coverage boost for regional New South Wales | Ministers for the Department of Infrastructure.
Six projects have been identified for regional NSW. These prioritised blackspot locations include:
- Remote roadside rest areas
- Key roads linking First Nations communities to their closest town to access essential services
- Regionally significant transport corridors used by local commuters and freight
- Roads used by metropolitan day trippers and holiday makers within key tourism areas.
Projects delivered by the pilot will inform the development of a scaled-up national program. Key focus of the projects will be to:
- Improve communication and connectivity in regions to strengthen economic growth, enhance social connectivity and improve safety of drivers
- Encourage multi-carrier mobile coverage to improve consumer choice of mobile service provider
- Encourage innovative and cost-effective solutions to deliver metropolitan equivalent quality of mobile coverage on regional highways and roads

Next steps
Projects delivered by the pilot will involve planning, approvals and construction stages.
The NSW Government is currently seeking Expressions of Interest from mobile network operators and mobile network infrastructure providers to partner with on the delivery of the projects.
Register your Expressions of Interest on the NSW Government eTender website.
Contact us

Email: rdc.program@dpird.nsw.gov.au