Priority projects for Snowy Mountains
The NSW Government is making an initial $196.3 million investment for the Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct (the Snowy Mountains precinct) as part of the 40-year vision to support the development of year-round tourism opportunities, to improve community amenities, support a diverse supply of housing and create long-term sustainable growth for generations to come.
These include:
Delivery of these priority projects will help attract further investment to continue delivering on the Snowy Mountains precinct’s 40-year vision, in line with the master plan. These priority projects support the needs of the community and tourists to Jindabyne and the Snowy Mountains region, and align with government priorities and funding available.
What the Snowy Mountains offer
The Snowy Mountains precinct covers 4,879 hectares. The precinct will focus on housing supply, aligned with the government’s priorities, to address housing shortages and diversity in Jindabyne while preserving and maintaining the important environmental and heritage values of the Snowy Mountains.

Click to enlarge: Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct Map (PDF 1.02MB)
Industry and employment opportunities
Projects identified for delivery in the Snowy Mountains precinct final master plan, will be prioritised based on funding and the future needs of the community, residents and tourists to Jindabyne and the Snowy Mountains region.
Read more about the goals and vision for our Special Activation Precincts.
Delivery process and next steps
The Special Activation Precinct model supports streamlined development approvals and business concierge support. This gives investors the confidence to relocate, establish operations, and attract skilled workers.
- The Snowy Mountains precinct is now in the delivery phase, led by the Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation
- Further scoping studies will be undertaken as part of the delivery process
- The Snowy Mountains Delivery Plan and Jindabyne Development Control Plan are now finalised.
- The Delivery Plan, led by the Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation, sets the requirements for appropriate development and for new and existing business in the catalyst sub-precincts, supported by the streamlined planning process
- The Jindabyne Development Control Plan was developed with Snowy Monaro Regional Council and will support the increase in visitor and resident populations predicted for the 40 years of the master plan
- Department of Planning, Heritage and Industry (DPHI) is working on finalising the Alpine Development Control plan, which was exhibited from 17 November 2023 to 7 February 2024
- For more information on our progress, review the latest project updates.
The Snowy Mountains announced as a Special Activation Precinct
Draft master plan exhibited along with technical studies, including an amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Regional) 2021
Finalised master plan and Precincts Regional SEPP 2021
Work on delivery plan and development control plans underway
NSW Government confirms $196.3 million to deliver the precinct
Delivery Plan and Development Control Plans on public exhibition
Priority projects announced for enabling infrastructure and to boost year-round tourism in the region
Jindabyne Development Control Plan finalised
- Lake Jindabyne Foreshore detailed designs on public exhibition
- Snowy Mountains Delivery Plan finalised
Latest updates and resources
Browse and download more information about our Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct, including:
Contact us about our Snowy Mountains precinct
For details on the progress of construction or investment opportunities, please contact us at the Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.
Phone: 1300 REGION (73 44 66)
Further information
Find out more about our Special Activation Precincts, Regional Job Precincts, Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation, and the Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund.
Our other Special Activation Precincts
Our goals and vision for Special Activation Precincts
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