Smart Regional Spaces
Digital tools and comprehensive education modules to empower regional councils to invest in smart technologies to unlock new opportunities for economic growth.
About the project
Smart Regional Spaces: Ready, Set, Go! aims to supercharge smart transformation and empower rural and regional NSW to embrace ‘smart city’ principles.
Underpinned by the NSW Government’s Smart Places Strategy and with funding from the Smart Places Acceleration Program, the program will upskill regional councils, connect them with industry experts, and drive investment in new technology and data-driven solutions.
Smart technology solutions in planning, infrastructure and energy efficiency are already a reality in metropolitan cites – this program helps to position rural and regional areas to take full advantage of this movement by providing the tools, training and know-how to get them started, or keep them moving.
Smart Regional Spaces: Ready, Set, Go! is available online at:
Key deliverables
The key components of the Smart Regional Spaces initiative include:
- 12 online training modules to upskill council members and staff in mastering smart technology and processes and practices.
- Site diagnostic tools to guide councils with strategic decision making, and the selection of the most effective smart solutions and locations for maximum impact.
- An interactive digital smart strategy tool to assist councils in crafting tailored, locally relevant strategies for smart transformation.
- Smart precedent case studies from around the world to inspire regional councils to enhance resilience, economic vitality, and resource efficiency.
Smart Regional Spaces is a partnership project between the Regional Digital Connectivity program, UNSW Sydney and The University of Sydney.
Contact us
For more information and updates about digital connectivity projects underway in regional NSW, contact us and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.