Be a smart consumer

Learn how you can be a smart consumer and make better purchases by understanding your rights and what to look out for when signing up for a product or service.

Consumer advice

Advice before you buy

Read our tips on how to shop safely online, avoid scams, and getting value when shopping through the sharing economy, by auction and by mail.

Signing up for an extended warranty or care package

Find out what an extended warranty is, the pros and cons of buying a care package, and the questions you should ask if you are thinking of buying one.

Services and your consumer rights

Know your rights when buying services, tips to be a savvy consumer and where to get help if things go wrong.

Your rights as a shopper

From bag checks to buying a pet, know your consumer rights rights and what to do if a product you purchased isn’t quite right.

Consumer rights in-language information

Find videos in your language to understand your rights when buying goods and services in Australia and learn how to resolve a consumer problem.

Repairs, replacements and refunds

Australian consumer laws guarantee your right to repairs, replacements and refunds. You have these guarantees even if you don't have a warranty.

Resolving issues with a business or trader

If you have a problem with a business or trader, these 3 steps may help you solve it.

Resolving your property, product or service dispute

If you cannot resolve your dispute, let NSW Fair Trading know so we can help you resolve your issue or find the right organisation that can assist.

What to look out for when shopping online

Dark patterns - tricks to make you spend more online

Learn about deceptive patterns that websites or apps use to make you spend more money or give up more information than you want and what you can do to minimise your risk. 

Scams and cybercrime

Learn about common scams and cybercrime and use some helpful resources that can help you avoid being a victim of a scam.

Consumer rights when buying products online

Before buying something from overseas or a private seller, make sure you are aware of your consumer rights before making a purchase.

Tips about specific products and services

Buying a mobile phone

Read our tips on buying a new mobile phone without spending more than you want, what to do if things go wrong and making the most out of using your phone.

Saving money on phone bills

Read our advice on how to save money on your phone bills so you can get the most out of your plan and not end up with expensive bills.

Choosing a removalist

Read our tips on how you can choose a removalist that best fits your needs and budget and what options you have if you experience any issues.

Electric shock, first aid and preventing electrical accidents

Be a savvy consumer when purchasing electrical equipment. Learn about how to prevent electrical accidents and the basics of electric shock first aid.

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