NSW Fair Trading

The NSW consumer protection regulator. Creating a competitive and fair marketplace for the NSW community.

Couple sitting on floor with moving boxes and furniture.
Welcome to the new home of NSW Fair Trading

NSW Fair Trading is moving to nsw.gov.au.

Can't find what you're looking for? During the change, you may find the information you're looking for on the NSW Fair Trading website. 

A couple sat on the floor with a moving box

What renters and landlords need to know about renting a home, including how to start or end a tenancy, get repairs done or get a bond back, and what to do if things go wrong.

Aerial view of houses near a beach
Property professionals

Helping property professionals understand how to qualify as a property professional, run a property business and their responsibilities. 

A woman in a red jumper browses a store aisle, choosing an immersion blender.
Consumer rights and protection

Information from Fair Trading about your rights and what to do if a service you purchased isn’t quite right.

Man seeks help for car failure
Buying and selling a car

Advice and information from NSW Fair Trading about your consumer rights when buying, selling and maintaining or repairing a vehicle in NSW.

Girl in red t-shirt holds a donations box
Charitable fundraising

All you need to know about raising funds for a charitable purpose.

Bingo numbers being drawn
Community gaming

Information on community gaming activities and trade promotions to help promote business and raise money for charity.

A welder, mask illuminated by a blue glow, sends orange sparks flying as he works.
Verify a licensed business

The place to look up and verify NSW license and registration information.

View over person's shoulder looking at screen of laptop.
Get licences and qualifications

Apply for, vary or renew a licence, check credentials, or get information about qualifications and assessment processes.

A woman sits on unfinished stairs looking at a tablet while a man paints the house in the background.
Public registers

Browse a range of registers including the complaints register, incorporated associations register, and the loose-fill asbestos insulation register.

Contact NSW Fair Trading

Online: Complaints and enquiries

Phone: 13 32 20 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am-5pm)

In-person: find a service centre

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