Renting a place to live

Find out how to start or end a tenancy, how to get repairs done or get your bond back, and what to do if things go wrong.

A couple sat on the floor with a moving box
Empty room with polished wooden floors reflecting sunlight coming through windows at rear.
Starting a residential tenancy

What you need to know about finding a rental property, signing a lease, moving in, and completing your condition report.

A woman kneeling down giving a high five to her golden retriever dog.
During a residential tenancy

What you need to know about living in a rental property, including paying rent and what to do if things go wrong.

Couple packing car boot with furniture such as a lamp and boxes.
Ending a residential tenancy

What you need to know about ending a tenancy, including filling in the condition report, cleaning and repairs, and getting your bond back.


Woman with back turned holding pen and form in front of window, with calculator and laptop visible on desk in front of her.

Financial support and emergency housing for tenants

What can be done if you are experiencing hardship with continuing a rental or keeping up with rent.

Tools and forms for renters


Girl with a laptop surrounded by boxes

Residential rental bonds

Tenants can manage or claim their bonds using Rental Bonds Online. Log in to sign up or get your rental bond back.


Female standing in a room with moving boxes.

End of tenancy survey

Learn more about the ongoing end of tenancy survey by NSW Fair Trading which collects data when a bond claim is finalised about how and why tenancies end.


View of hands typing on blue laptop keyboard, screen not visible.

Download forms and sample documents

Find essential documents, downloadable forms and other information for tenants.

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