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The function of managing land and working, storage or living space within premises and of acquiring, constructing, fitting-out, managing, maintaining, protecting and disposing of premises. Premises include buildings and land allotments owned, rented or leased by the organisation such as hospitals.
This also includes the management etc of grounds including landscaping, roads and pathways and the removal of pollutants and waste from sites occupied or in use by the organisation.
See Corporate management – Committees for Building/Capital Works Committees.
See Corporate support services – Compliance for records relating to the monitoring of equipment or service systems to ensure compliance with regulations and standards eg water cooling towers etc.
See also General Retention and Disposal Authority – Administrative records Property management.
Processes associated with the management of working spaces within premises
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
14.1.1 | Records relating to space allocation, space inventories, interim moves and internal renovation projects | Retain minimum of 2 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 14.1.1 Classes of records Records relating to space allocation, space inventories, interim moves and internal renovation projects Disposal Action Retain minimum of 2 years after action completed, then destroy |
The process of gaining ownership or the use of property or premises through purchase or requisition and disposing of property or premises.
See Leasing for records relating to the leasing of premises etc from another party
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
14.2.1 | Title deeds of premises owned by the agency | Retain until premises are disposed of, when title deeds should be transferred to the new owner |
14.2.2 | Records relating to the purchase or disposal of properties of State significance or subject to heritage orders | Required as State archives |
14.2.3 | Records relating to the purchase or disposal of other properties | Retain minimum of 7 years after disposal of the property, then destroy |
14.2.4 | Records relating to negotiations for other properties where the acquisition or disposal is not proceeded with | Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
No 14.2.1 Classes of records Title deeds of premises owned by the agency Disposal Action Retain until premises are disposed of, when title deeds should be transferred to the new owner |
No 14.2.2 Classes of records Records relating to the purchase or disposal of properties of State significance or subject to heritage orders Disposal Action Required as State archives |
No 14.2.3 Classes of records Records relating to the purchase or disposal of other properties Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after disposal of the property, then destroy |
No 14.2.4 Classes of records Records relating to negotiations for other properties where the acquisition or disposal is not proceeded with Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
Activities associated with the management of construction projects. Usually large scale projects involving the construction of new facilities or major renovations or redesign.
See Fits outs, Installations and maintenance for records relating to general maintenance and upkeep of premises and to minor refurbishments and renovation projects
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
14.3.1 | Overall site plans and floor plans detailing rooms and their usage for major hospitals and specialised facilities | Required as State archives |
14.3.2 | Design, working and as built records, drawings and plans relating to buildings and structures:
This includes specifications, calculations, records of design decisions, technical information and advice, investigations, approvals by certified authorities. | Required as State archives |
14.3.3 | Design, working and as built records, drawings and plans relating to all other structures and facilities, including major modifications | Retain minimum of 12 years after the lifetime or disposal of the structure, then destroy |
14.3.4 | Records of contractual agreements for capital works and construction projects | Retain minimum of 12 years after all the terms and conditions of the contract have been fulfilled, then destroy |
14.3.5 | Records relating to project management for major and minor works including budget and costs, client liaison on nontechnical matters, contractual matters such as variations, payment and sign off on construction, logistics, site procedures, quality and performance measurements, periodic reporting, project risk management and schedules | Retain minimum of 12 years after project completed, then destroy |
No 14.3.1 Classes of records Overall site plans and floor plans detailing rooms and their usage for major hospitals and specialised facilities Disposal Action Required as State archives |
No 14.3.2 Classes of records Design, working and as built records, drawings and plans relating to buildings and structures:
This includes specifications, calculations, records of design decisions, technical information and advice, investigations, approvals by certified authorities. Disposal Action Required as State archives |
No 14.3.3 Classes of records Design, working and as built records, drawings and plans relating to all other structures and facilities, including major modifications Disposal Action Retain minimum of 12 years after the lifetime or disposal of the structure, then destroy |
No 14.3.4 Classes of records Records of contractual agreements for capital works and construction projects Disposal Action Retain minimum of 12 years after all the terms and conditions of the contract have been fulfilled, then destroy |
No 14.3.5 Classes of records Records relating to project management for major and minor works including budget and costs, client liaison on nontechnical matters, contractual matters such as variations, payment and sign off on construction, logistics, site procedures, quality and performance measurements, periodic reporting, project risk management and schedules Disposal Action Retain minimum of 12 years after project completed, then destroy |
Activities associated with complying with mandatory or optional standards or with statutory requirements.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
14.4.1 | Approvals and consents from local councils and regulatory authorities relating to the approval of design and construction work eg development consents | Retain minimum of 7 years after disposal/transfer of work, then destroy |
14.4.2 | Records relating to compliance with permits and licences required by legislation for the operation of services or use of equipment eg Environment Protection Authority (EPA) licences This includes records of applications for licences and permits and records relating to compliance with any conditions of the licence or permit eg routine reporting to the EPA or other regulatory bodies. | Retain minimum of 7 years after action complete, then destroy |
14.4.3 | Routine correspondence with local councils, State government agencies and other relevant organisations regarding the planning and development processes. Includes information and routine reports provided on a regular basis. | Retain minimum of 2 years after last action, then destroy |
No 14.4.1 Classes of records Approvals and consents from local councils and regulatory authorities relating to the approval of design and construction work eg development consents Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after disposal/transfer of work, then destroy |
No 14.4.2 Classes of records Records relating to compliance with permits and licences required by legislation for the operation of services or use of equipment eg Environment Protection Authority (EPA) licences This includes records of applications for licences and permits and records relating to compliance with any conditions of the licence or permit eg routine reporting to the EPA or other regulatory bodies. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after action complete, then destroy |
No 14.4.3 Classes of records Routine correspondence with local councils, State government agencies and other relevant organisations regarding the planning and development processes. Includes information and routine reports provided on a regular basis. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 2 years after last action, then destroy |
The activities associated with the internal refurbishment of workplaces, the placing, connection or adjustment of equipment or service systems (eg electricity, air conditioning) and the upkeep, repair, servicing and preservation of the internal/external condition of premises etc.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
14.5.1 | Records relating to conservation, restoration and renovation work carried out on significant or Heritage listed buildings and structures | Required as State archives |
14.5.2 | Records relating to the removal and disposal of hazardous materials (eg asbestos) from the fabric of buildings | Retain minimum of 75 years after removal of the material from the site, then destroy |
14.5.3 | Records relating to the installation of equipment eg heating, plumbing, air-conditioning or security systems, cabling etc | Retain until replacement of equipment, then destroy |
14.5.4 | Records relating to the conduct of routine maintenance and repair work | Retain minimum of 2 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 14.5.1 Classes of records Records relating to conservation, restoration and renovation work carried out on significant or Heritage listed buildings and structures Disposal Action Required as State archives |
No 14.5.2 Classes of records Records relating to the removal and disposal of hazardous materials (eg asbestos) from the fabric of buildings Disposal Action Retain minimum of 75 years after removal of the material from the site, then destroy |
No 14.5.3 Classes of records Records relating to the installation of equipment eg heating, plumbing, air-conditioning or security systems, cabling etc Disposal Action Retain until replacement of equipment, then destroy |
No 14.5.4 Classes of records Records relating to the conduct of routine maintenance and repair work Disposal Action Retain minimum of 2 years after action completed, then destroy |
Activities involved in leasing accommodation, premises or real estate from or to another organisation or individual.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
14.6.1 | Records relating to the leasing of property from another organisation. This includes records relating to the negotiation and signing of agreements, conditions, rights and responsibilities of parties to the agreement and records relating to the ongoing management of the lease | Retain minimum of 7 years after lease expires or is terminated, then destroy |
14.6.2 | Records relating to the leasing of property or premises belonging to the organisation to another party and where there may be an indication of contamination etc through the actions of the lessee. This includes records relating to the negotiation and signing of agreements, conditions, rights and responsibilities of parties to the agreement and records relating to the ongoing management of the lease. | Retain minimum of 10 years after lease expires or is terminated or after disposal of premises, whichever is appropriate, then destroy |
14.6.3 | Other records relating to the leasing of property or premises belonging to the organisation to another party. This includes records relating to the negotiation and signing of agreements, conditions, rights and responsibilities of parties to the agreement and records relating to the ongoing management of the lease | Retain minimum of 7 years after lease expires or is terminated, then destroy |
No 14.6.1 Classes of records Records relating to the leasing of property from another organisation. This includes records relating to the negotiation and signing of agreements, conditions, rights and responsibilities of parties to the agreement and records relating to the ongoing management of the lease Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after lease expires or is terminated, then destroy |
No 14.6.2 Classes of records Records relating to the leasing of property or premises belonging to the organisation to another party and where there may be an indication of contamination etc through the actions of the lessee. This includes records relating to the negotiation and signing of agreements, conditions, rights and responsibilities of parties to the agreement and records relating to the ongoing management of the lease. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 10 years after lease expires or is terminated or after disposal of premises, whichever is appropriate, then destroy |
No 14.6.3 Classes of records Other records relating to the leasing of property or premises belonging to the organisation to another party. This includes records relating to the negotiation and signing of agreements, conditions, rights and responsibilities of parties to the agreement and records relating to the ongoing management of the lease Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after lease expires or is terminated, then destroy |
Signage for and maps of campuses, building layouts etc developed for orientation and information purposes.
See Capital Works for plans of buildings and site plans developed for construction purposes etc.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
14.7.1 | Master copies of maps of hospital campuses and health service sites | Required as State archives |
14.7.2 | Records relating to the placing and setting of signs and signage throughout the campus or within facilities | Retain minimum of 12 months after last action, then destroy |
No 14.7.1 Classes of records Master copies of maps of hospital campuses and health service sites Disposal Action Required as State archives |
No 14.7.2 Classes of records Records relating to the placing and setting of signs and signage throughout the campus or within facilities Disposal Action Retain minimum of 12 months after last action, then destroy |
The activities associated with measures taken to protect people, premises, equipment or information from accidental or intentional damage or from unauthorised access12.
See Corporate management for local operational policies and procedures concerning security
See Government relations for records relating to the reporting of incidents to external bodies
See General Retention and Disposal Authority – Video/Visual Surveillance Records for audio visual surveillance records
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
14.8.1 | Records relating to the implementation of safety/security programs. This includes records relating to fire, bomb threat, assault, armed hold up, critical incident programs etc. | Retain minimum of 7 years after program superseded, then destroy |
14.8.2 | Records relating to the reporting of crime and other security related critical/reportable incidents to Boards or the CEO | Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
14.8.3 | Records relating to the administration and conduct of safety/security education and training programs | Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
14.8.4 | Records relating to the administration of access and key control. This includes visitor registers, records of spot checks and records relating to the issue of key authority cards, badges, permits, photo ids etc. | Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
14.8.5 | Reports of inspections, yearly and 5 yearly surveys and records relating to the implementation of recommendations or findings of reports and surveys | Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy |
14.8.6 | Daily records of routine security checks, inspections, patrols etc | Retain minimum of 12 months after last action, then destroy |
No 14.8.1 Classes of records Records relating to the implementation of safety/security programs. This includes records relating to fire, bomb threat, assault, armed hold up, critical incident programs etc. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after program superseded, then destroy |
No 14.8.2 Classes of records Records relating to the reporting of crime and other security related critical/reportable incidents to Boards or the CEO Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
No 14.8.3 Classes of records Records relating to the administration and conduct of safety/security education and training programs Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
No 14.8.4 Classes of records Records relating to the administration of access and key control. This includes visitor registers, records of spot checks and records relating to the issue of key authority cards, badges, permits, photo ids etc. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
No 14.8.5 Classes of records Reports of inspections, yearly and 5 yearly surveys and records relating to the implementation of recommendations or findings of reports and surveys Disposal Action Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 14.8.6 Classes of records Daily records of routine security checks, inspections, patrols etc Disposal Action Retain minimum of 12 months after last action, then destroy |
Processes associated with management of vehicular access and parking facilities etc.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority – Administrative records Financial management for financial records relating to income, revenue etc from car parking fees.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
14.9.1 | Records relating to the management and planning of parking and traffic control | Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy |
14.9.2 | Records relating to the issue of fines/penalties for parking and other traffic offences | Retain minimum of 2 years after action completed, then destroy |
14.9.3 | Other records of a routine nature relating to administrative support of parking and traffic management activities | Retain minimum of 12 months after action completed, then destroy |
14.9.4 | Records relating to traffic accidents which involve injury or damage to property See also General Retention and Disposal Authority – Administrative Records: Compensation; Legal services; Occupational health & safety for incidents, matters or claims directly involving the facility or organisation | Retain minimum of 6 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 14.9.1 Classes of records Records relating to the management and planning of parking and traffic control Disposal Action Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 14.9.2 Classes of records Records relating to the issue of fines/penalties for parking and other traffic offences Disposal Action Retain minimum of 2 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 14.9.3 Classes of records Other records of a routine nature relating to administrative support of parking and traffic management activities Disposal Action Retain minimum of 12 months after action completed, then destroy |
No 14.9.4 Classes of records Records relating to traffic accidents which involve injury or damage to property See also General Retention and Disposal Authority – Administrative Records: Compensation; Legal services; Occupational health & safety for incidents, matters or claims directly involving the facility or organisation Disposal Action Retain minimum of 6 years after action completed, then destroy |
Activities associated with the management of wastes generated by the organisation and its facilities and services13.
See Corporate management- Committees for records of Waste Management Committees.
See Corporate support services for records relating to regulatory compliance and waste audit activities.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
14.10.1 | Records relating to licensed classified waste management activities. This includes records relating to the generation, storage, transport and disposal of wastes. | Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
14.10.2 | Records relating to unlicensed classified waste management activities. This includes records relating to the generation, storage, transport and disposal of wastes. | Retain minimum of 3 years after last action, then destroy |
14.10.3 | Records relating to policies, standards and procedures for the management, handling and disposal of wastes | Retain minimum of 10 years after superseded, then destroy |
No 14.10.1 Classes of records Records relating to licensed classified waste management activities. This includes records relating to the generation, storage, transport and disposal of wastes. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
No 14.10.2 Classes of records Records relating to unlicensed classified waste management activities. This includes records relating to the generation, storage, transport and disposal of wastes. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 3 years after last action, then destroy |
No 14.10.3 Classes of records Records relating to policies, standards and procedures for the management, handling and disposal of wastes Disposal Action Retain minimum of 10 years after superseded, then destroy |
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