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The function of administering the formal relationship between the organisation and those processes of government not covered by other general administrative or functional keywords. Includes the organisation’s relationship with the Department of Health, with Ministers and members of Parliament and the political processes of Government; liaison with bodies carrying out investigations or formal inquiries such as Royal Commissions, Special Inquiries, Parliamentary Committees, the Ombudsman, Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Health Care Complaints Commission etc.
See also General Retention and Disposal Authority – Administrative records Government relations for ministerials and submissions.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority – Administrative Records Government relations – Inquiries for records of formal inquiries or investigations into the activities of the organisation conducted by external bodies.
The process of official examinations of facilities and services to ensure compliance with standards of care.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
10.1.1 | Records relating to inspections of services or facilities by Official Visitors eg under the Mental Health Act 1990 or previously under the Public Hospitals Act. This includes Official Visitor’s reports, responses to reports and Inspectors/Visitors books (containing summary details of the findings or outcomes of the inspection or visit). | Required as State archives |
No 10.1.1 Classes of records Records relating to inspections of services or facilities by Official Visitors eg under the Mental Health Act 1990 or previously under the Public Hospitals Act. This includes Official Visitor’s reports, responses to reports and Inspectors/Visitors books (containing summary details of the findings or outcomes of the inspection or visit). Disposal Action Required as State archives |
Activities associated with the conduct of hearings under the provisions of the Mental Health Act.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
10.2.1 | Records relating to arrangements for the organisation and conduct of hearings. This includes bookings and orders registers, lists of persons to be presented, details of orders etc. | Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
No 10.2.1 Classes of records Records relating to arrangements for the organisation and conduct of hearings. This includes bookings and orders registers, lists of persons to be presented, details of orders etc. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
The provision of a formal response to a situation or request or as a requirement concerning aspects of the organisation’s responsibilities, performance or activities9.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
10.3.1 | Summary records relating to the outcomes of reportable incidents and sentinel events. This includes registers (if maintained) or briefings/reports to the Chief Executive or external bodies detailing the nature and outcomes of the incident. | Required as State archives |
10.3.2 | Records relating to the reporting of incidents or matters (including sentinel or adverse events, complaints etc) to external bodies such as the NSW Department of Health, Health Care Complaints Commission, professional registration bodies, NSW Police. This includes instances where there is a statutory requirement to report to external bodies10. | Retain minimum of 10 years after incident or event reported, then destroy |
No 10.3.1 Classes of records Summary records relating to the outcomes of reportable incidents and sentinel events. This includes registers (if maintained) or briefings/reports to the Chief Executive or external bodies detailing the nature and outcomes of the incident. Disposal Action Required as State archives |
No 10.3.2 Classes of records Records relating to the reporting of incidents or matters (including sentinel or adverse events, complaints etc) to external bodies such as the NSW Department of Health, Health Care Complaints Commission, professional registration bodies, NSW Police. This includes instances where there is a statutory requirement to report to external bodies10. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 10 years after incident or event reported, then destroy |
9 For details of incidents reportable to the Department see NSW Department of Health Circular 97/58
10 This class applies to the records of reporting/notification of only. Records held by the organisation relating to the internal management of the incident or matter on which the report or notification was based (such as investigation and internal reporting records) should be kept according to the appropriate retention periods outlined in this or other authorities such as the General Retention and Disposal Authority for patient/client records.
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