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The promotion of better health outcomes, healthy life styles and low risk behaviours in the community through strategies such as addressing inequalities, creating healthy and safe environments, developing healthy public policy, community development and education programs or awareness campaigns (this includes campaigns and strategies directed at service providers as well as the broader community)
See Service funding for records relating to the administration of grants programs.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative Records Community relations – Marketing for records relating to sponsorships.
Processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements or contracts.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
11.1.1 | Records relating to strategic networks and partnership arrangements or agreements for coordinating, sustaining and supporting health promotion or improvement activities | Retain minimum of 7 years after arrangements cease, then destroy |
No 11.1.1 Classes of records Records relating to strategic networks and partnership arrangements or agreements for coordinating, sustaining and supporting health promotion or improvement activities Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after arrangements cease, then destroy |
Activities associated with the development, administration and implementation of specific health promotion campaigns, projects or programs.
Includes education programs or campaigns targeting specific risk behaviours or groups within the community or specific health issues eg tobacco, heart disease, sun protection, injury prevention, alcohol and other drugs.
See also Evaluation.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
11.2.1 | Records relating to the development and delivery of specific programs/projects/campaigns that are innovative, unique or significantly reflective of the health needs of the community. This includes project plans and proposals and posters, information booklets, educational materials, audio visual recordings etc produced as part of the campaign, program or project. | Required as State archives |
11.2.2 | Records relating to other programs or projects. This includes records of programs etc delivered or supported by the agency. | Retain minimum of 10 years after last action, then destroy |
No 11.2.1 Classes of records Records relating to the development and delivery of specific programs/projects/campaigns that are innovative, unique or significantly reflective of the health needs of the community. This includes project plans and proposals and posters, information booklets, educational materials, audio visual recordings etc produced as part of the campaign, program or project. Disposal Action Required as State archives |
No 11.2.2 Classes of records Records relating to other programs or projects. This includes records of programs etc delivered or supported by the agency. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 10 years after last action, then destroy |
Activities associated with the monitoring and evaluation of health promotion campaigns, programs or projects.
See also Campaigns, Programs & Projects.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
11.3.1 | Final reports on the outcomes of the assessment or evaluation of programs, projects or campaigns | Required as State archives |
11.3.2 | Records relating to the conduct of assessments or evaluations of programs, projects or campaigns, their rate of success, health outcomes etc | Retain minimum of 10 years after last action, then destroy |
No 11.3.1 Classes of records Final reports on the outcomes of the assessment or evaluation of programs, projects or campaigns Disposal Action Required as State archives |
No 11.3.2 Classes of records Records relating to the conduct of assessments or evaluations of programs, projects or campaigns, their rate of success, health outcomes etc Disposal Action Retain minimum of 10 years after last action, then destroy |
Activities associated with liaison and communications with community and intersectoral organisations for health promotion purposes.
See Service development for records of formal consultation with stakeholders
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
11.4.1 | Records of routine or general communications with other organisations relating to health promotion matters or campaigns | Retain minimum of 5 years after last action, then destroy |
No 11.4.1 Classes of records Records of routine or general communications with other organisations relating to health promotion matters or campaigns Disposal Action Retain minimum of 5 years after last action, then destroy |
Activities associated with overall strategic planning for health promotion activities to meet the health needs of the local area.
See Corporate management – Planning for final versions of strategic, business unit or service plans
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
11.5.1 | Records relating to the analysis, assessment and determination of priorities for health promotion activities for planning purposes | Retain minimum of 10 years after last action, then destroy |
No 11.5.1 Classes of records Records relating to the analysis, assessment and determination of priorities for health promotion activities for planning purposes Disposal Action Retain minimum of 10 years after last action, then destroy |
The development and provision of training programs to assist members of the community or service providers in the management of health issues
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
11.6.1 | Records relating to the development of training (education programs) by the agency | Retain minimum of 10 years after last action, then destroy |
No 11.6.1 Classes of records Records relating to the development of training (education programs) by the agency Disposal Action Retain minimum of 10 years after last action, then destroy |
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