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The function of ongoing systematic collection, assembly, analysis and interpretation of population health data and the communication of the information derived from this data to stimulate response to identified health problems.
Activities associated with the collection, collation and management of data and statistics.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority – Public Health Services: Patient/Client records for copies of data collection forms submitted to NSW Department of Health,
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
8.1.1 | Records relating to the collation of unique survey data re rates of disease, injury and morbidity (i.e., data not reported to the Department of Health or another agency with responsibility for its collation and maintenance) | Retain in agency |
8.1.2 | Records relating to the collation of other data(eg data sets etc) for the purposes of analysis and reporting | Retain minimum of 10 years after data collected and reported upon, then review, if no longer required for further statistical, reporting, planning or research purposes, then destroy |
8.1.3 | Records relating to the collection of data. Includes completed data returns, surveys and questionnaires. Note: Records collected or generated through the operation of the COVIDSafe app (i.e. COVIDSafe app data) which is downloaded/extracted to support contact tracing activities should be destroyed:
whichever is sooner. Note: this entry covers the testing of staff for Covid 19. The records of staff members that test positive should be retained as per the relevant entry in GDA17. | Retain until no longer required for administrative or reference purposes7, then destroy |
8.1.4 | Records relating to the collection of statistical information from surveys and registers maintained by other organisations such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Cancer registry etc | Retain until no longer required for statistical, research or reference purposes, then destroy |
No 8.1.1 Classes of records Records relating to the collation of unique survey data re rates of disease, injury and morbidity (i.e., data not reported to the Department of Health or another agency with responsibility for its collation and maintenance) Disposal Action Retain in agency |
No 8.1.2 Classes of records Records relating to the collation of other data(eg data sets etc) for the purposes of analysis and reporting Disposal Action Retain minimum of 10 years after data collected and reported upon, then review, if no longer required for further statistical, reporting, planning or research purposes, then destroy |
No 8.1.3 Classes of records Records relating to the collection of data. Includes completed data returns, surveys and questionnaires. Note: Records collected or generated through the operation of the COVIDSafe app (i.e. COVIDSafe app data) which is downloaded/extracted to support contact tracing activities should be destroyed:
whichever is sooner. Note: this entry covers the testing of staff for Covid 19. The records of staff members that test positive should be retained as per the relevant entry in GDA17. Disposal Action Retain until no longer required for administrative or reference purposes7, then destroy |
No 8.1.4 Classes of records Records relating to the collection of statistical information from surveys and registers maintained by other organisations such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Cancer registry etc Disposal Action Retain until no longer required for statistical, research or reference purposes, then destroy |
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
8.2.1 | Records relating to methodologies used for data collection, quality assurance and analysis. This includes records of software program instructions for data extraction etc. | Retain 10 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 8.2.1 Classes of records Records relating to methodologies used for data collection, quality assurance and analysis. This includes records of software program instructions for data extraction etc. Disposal Action Retain 10 years after action completed, then destroy |
The provision of a formal response to a situation or request or as a requirement concerning aspects of the organisation’s responsibilities, performance or activities
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
8.3.1 | Records summarising findings of analysis or published results of studies carried out or commissioned by the organisation | Required as State archives |
8.3.2 | Records relating to the analysis of data on rates of disease, injury and morbidity etc, including reports in response to requests by outside organisations | Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
8.3.3 | Reports or summary findings produced by other organisations | Retain until no longer required for administrative or reference purposes, then destroy |
No 8.3.1 Classes of records Records summarising findings of analysis or published results of studies carried out or commissioned by the organisation Disposal Action Required as State archives |
No 8.3.2 Classes of records Records relating to the analysis of data on rates of disease, injury and morbidity etc, including reports in response to requests by outside organisations Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after last action, then destroy |
No 8.3.3 Classes of records Reports or summary findings produced by other organisations Disposal Action Retain until no longer required for administrative or reference purposes, then destroy |
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