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The function of enabling and encouraging staff to develop skills and abilities (through activities, orientation and training programs, information sessions, conferences and events etc). This includes the provision of formally recognised or accredited education and training programs for health care industry workers or practitioners resulting in the award, or partial award, of recognised qualifications.
See Corporate management – Committees for records of Advisory or Joint Education Committees etc
See Equipment (Medical) – Training for records relating to the provision of user training on the operation and maintenance of equipment
See Health promotion – Training for records relating to the development of training to assist members of the community or service providers in the management of health issues
Processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
7.1.1 | Records relating to formal agreements with universities, professional colleges etc regarding the provision and conduct of academic teaching, professional training or continuing education programs. This includes funding, student placement agreements etc. | Retain minimum of 7 years after expiry of the agreement or last action, whichever is the longer, then destroy |
No 7.1.1 Classes of records Records relating to formal agreements with universities, professional colleges etc regarding the provision and conduct of academic teaching, professional training or continuing education programs. This includes funding, student placement agreements etc. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after expiry of the agreement or last action, whichever is the longer, then destroy |
Activities associated with complying with legal, regulatory or certification requirements for the provision of accredited or recognised education and training programs.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
7.2.1 | Records relating to the accreditation, certification or recognition of facilities, services or programs for teaching, education and training purposes | Retain minimum of 5 years after accreditation renewed or recognition ceases, then destroy |
No 7.2.1 Classes of records Records relating to the accreditation, certification or recognition of facilities, services or programs for teaching, education and training purposes Disposal Action Retain minimum of 5 years after accreditation renewed or recognition ceases, then destroy |
Activities associated with the development of the content of courses and programs of study resulting in the award, or partial award, of recognised qualifications.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
7.3.1 | Records relating to the development of Nurse education programs (where the hospital was responsible for the provision of nurse education). This includes records of programs of study, course objectives and curriculum, session or lecture notes. | Required as State archives |
7.3.2 | Records relating to the development of accredited or recognised courses, curriculum and programs of study and teaching resources. This includes records of course objectives, session or lecture notes, timetables handouts etc | Retain minimum of 7 years after course superseded, then destroy |
No 7.3.1 Classes of records Records relating to the development of Nurse education programs (where the hospital was responsible for the provision of nurse education). This includes records of programs of study, course objectives and curriculum, session or lecture notes. Disposal Action Required as State archives |
No 7.3.2 Classes of records Records relating to the development of accredited or recognised courses, curriculum and programs of study and teaching resources. This includes records of course objectives, session or lecture notes, timetables handouts etc Disposal Action Retain minimum of 7 years after course superseded, then destroy |
Records relating to individual students.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority – Personnel records for records relating to student placements with the organisation for work experience or training purposes
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
7.4.1 | Sample collections of nurse education records illustrative of education methods and standards of the day | Required as State archives |
7.4.2 | Nurse education records (where the hospital was responsible for the provision of nurse education). This includes nurse training registers, student records cards, transcripts of training, examination results, clinical experience cards etc. | Retain minimum of 75 years after individual’s date of birth, then destroy |
7.4.3 | Records of students’ final achievements/results in accredited competency-based vocational education and training (VETAB) courses eg transcripts of students’ outcomes or statement of attainment | Retain minimum of 30 years after completion of award, then destroy |
7.4.4 | Records of post graduate students’ clinical rotations, competency statements, transcript of clinical programs. | Retain for minimum of 10 years after completion of the program or until annual accreditation is required, then destroy |
7.4.5 | Hospital in-service based clinical skills accreditation records | Retain minimum of 3 years after completion of the program, then destroy |
No 7.4.1 Classes of records Sample collections of nurse education records illustrative of education methods and standards of the day Disposal Action Required as State archives |
No 7.4.2 Classes of records Nurse education records (where the hospital was responsible for the provision of nurse education). This includes nurse training registers, student records cards, transcripts of training, examination results, clinical experience cards etc. Disposal Action Retain minimum of 75 years after individual’s date of birth, then destroy |
No 7.4.3 Classes of records Records of students’ final achievements/results in accredited competency-based vocational education and training (VETAB) courses eg transcripts of students’ outcomes or statement of attainment Disposal Action Retain minimum of 30 years after completion of award, then destroy |
No 7.4.4 Classes of records Records of post graduate students’ clinical rotations, competency statements, transcript of clinical programs. Disposal Action Retain for minimum of 10 years after completion of the program or until annual accreditation is required, then destroy |
No 7.4.5 Classes of records Hospital in-service based clinical skills accreditation records Disposal Action Retain minimum of 3 years after completion of the program, then destroy |
Activities associated with aspects of training available to staff of the organisation.
No | Classes of records | Disposal Action |
7.5.1 | Records relating to the development and drafting of course material for internal training purposes or information sessions | Retain until no longer required for reference purposes, then destroy |
7.5.2 | Course or reference material developed for in house training purposes or information sessions. Includes course programs, handouts, workshop/training notes etc. | Retain until superseded or the course ceases to be offered, then destroy |
7.5.3 | Participant evaluations of training programs | Retain until no longer required for reference purposes, then destroy |
7.5.4 | Applications to attend courses and workshops and associated records relating to administrative arrangements for training programs or sessions | Retain until no longer required for administrative purposes, then destroy |
No 7.5.1 Classes of records Records relating to the development and drafting of course material for internal training purposes or information sessions Disposal Action Retain until no longer required for reference purposes, then destroy |
No 7.5.2 Classes of records Course or reference material developed for in house training purposes or information sessions. Includes course programs, handouts, workshop/training notes etc. Disposal Action Retain until superseded or the course ceases to be offered, then destroy |
No 7.5.3 Classes of records Participant evaluations of training programs Disposal Action Retain until no longer required for reference purposes, then destroy |
No 7.5.4 Classes of records Applications to attend courses and workshops and associated records relating to administrative arrangements for training programs or sessions Disposal Action Retain until no longer required for administrative purposes, then destroy |
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