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The activities of providing services for the removal, destruction or disposal of waste materials. Includes the provision of waste collection and recycling services and operation of waste disposal sites or facilities.
See Community Services and Programs for records relating to waste management campaigns.
See Environmental Management for records relating to contaminated land where there is potential for long-term health and environmental impacts.
See Laws, Enforcement, Licensing and Permits for records relating to the issue of notices for rubbish or littering.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Contracting-Out and Commercial Services for records relating to contracting out of waste removal services.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Government Relations - Agreements for records relating to agreements related to waste management with other Government departments.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Property Management - Construction for records relating to the design and construction of waste management facilities.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Strategic Management - Joint ventures for records relating to agreements with external organisations relating to waste management.
No | Description of records | Disposal action |
22.1 | Key records of the management of landfill sites including those owned and operated by the organisation, and those managed on behalf of the organisation. Includes:
Records include:
| Required as State archives |
22.2 | Records relating to the operation and management of waste management facilities by the organisation or by other agencies and contractors on behalf of the organisation. Includes tips and depots, landfill, recycling operations and chemical waste disposal sites. Includes records of:
| Retain minimum of 20 years after facility ceases to operate, then destroy |
22.3 | Records of routine operations, daily volumes and transactions of waste management facilities and waste collection. Includes records of:
| Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed or minimum of 7 years after expiry or termination of contract where waste service is provided through a outsourcing process, whichever is longer, then destroy |
22.4 | Records relating to agreements to provide non-residential and trade waste removal, treatment and disposal services. | Retain minimum of 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement, then destroy |
22.5 | Facilitative records of street cleaning, domestic, commercial and trade waste collection, and recycling. Includes:
Note: where the audio visual recordings are required as evidence retain in accordance with the relevant entries. | Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy |
No 22.1 Description of records Key records of the management of landfill sites including those owned and operated by the organisation, and those managed on behalf of the organisation. Includes:
Records include:
Disposal action Required as State archives |
No 22.2 Description of records Records relating to the operation and management of waste management facilities by the organisation or by other agencies and contractors on behalf of the organisation. Includes tips and depots, landfill, recycling operations and chemical waste disposal sites. Includes records of:
Disposal action Retain minimum of 20 years after facility ceases to operate, then destroy |
No 22.3 Description of records Records of routine operations, daily volumes and transactions of waste management facilities and waste collection. Includes records of:
Disposal action Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed or minimum of 7 years after expiry or termination of contract where waste service is provided through a outsourcing process, whichever is longer, then destroy |
No 22.4 Description of records Records relating to agreements to provide non-residential and trade waste removal, treatment and disposal services. Disposal action Retain minimum of 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement, then destroy |
No 22.5 Description of records Facilitative records of street cleaning, domestic, commercial and trade waste collection, and recycling. Includes:
Note: where the audio visual recordings are required as evidence retain in accordance with the relevant entries. Disposal action Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy |
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