The activities of inspecting, notifying and applying penalties in relation to the organisation's regulatory role, and managing applications for services, licences, permits, registrations and other approvals.
See Authorisation To Council for records relating to authorisations to carry out regulatory and enforcement activities.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Property Management - Leasing-out for records relating to the issue of approvals for usage of and conduct of activities on the organisation's premises.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Property Management - Security for records relating to audio visual recordings used as part of security measures for council property.
No | Description of records | Disposal action |
17.1 | Key records of enforcement and licensing. Includes: - final reports of the monitoring and inspections of businesses, facilities, buildings, water cooling systems, food premises etc. where there are widespread public health and safety or compliance issues that impact the local government area, or where the organisation is the lead agency.
- legacy records such as registers of notifiable and infectious diseases, registers of licensed premises such as boarding houses, caravan parks, parking stations, skin penetration premises, theatres, public halls, noxious trades, common lodging houses, etc.
| Required as State archives |
17.2 | Records relating to: - inspections and investigations of businesses, facilities, buildings, water cooling systems, food premises etc.
- certifications and notifications as to whether land is subject to outstanding notices or orders.
- notifications of inspections and certifications submitted by owners or business or service operators as evidence of compliance with standards and regulations.
- issue of notices for dumping of rubbish, notices to comply, health notices, etc
Records include: - notices to entry, to comply, rectify or remediate
- reports
- food sampling and analysis
- infringements and penalty notices
- inspection and investigation records and supporting documentation
- objections and submissions
- authorisations from other agencies to issue orders and notices
- inspection reports and certificates, e.g. quarterly water cooling tower reports
- annual and supplementary fire safety statements
- certificates of compliance for dangerous/restricted dog enclosures, etc.
| Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy |
17.3 | Records relating to applications for permits, approvals etc for: - road openings, cranes, hoardings, erection of gates across public roads and the construction of a by-pass around a road gate
- emergency services, such as bushfire control permits
- chemical and pesticide use
- fireworks
- tree pruning and removal on private property
- legacy records of licensing activities no longer conducted by the organisation e.g. licensing of food premises, common lodging houses, places of public entertainment etc.
Records include applications, determinations, associated correspondence, etc. | Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed or expiry or termination, then destroy |
17.4 | Records relating to the issue of permits, licences, approvals, etc. for low-risk activities or temporary activities. Includes: - bill posting, posters
- leaflet distribution, charitable collections, public addresses, busking, temporary food stalls, toilets etc
- parking permits including special parking arrangements and special or temporary parking zones
- use of parks, reserves and beaches for filming, weddings, driving etc.
Records include applications, refusals, determinations, cancellations, transferrals, amendments, renewals, suspensions, revocations and associated correspondence. | Retain minimum of 1 year after expiry or action completed, then destroy |
17.5 | Audio visual surveillance and monitoring records (e.g. closed circuit television (CCTV) footage, Body Worn Video) which are not required for evidentiary, regulatory or other operational purposes. Note: where the recordings are required as evidence retain in accordance with the relevant entries. | Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy |
No 17.1 Description of records Key records of enforcement and licensing. Includes: - final reports of the monitoring and inspections of businesses, facilities, buildings, water cooling systems, food premises etc. where there are widespread public health and safety or compliance issues that impact the local government area, or where the organisation is the lead agency.
- legacy records such as registers of notifiable and infectious diseases, registers of licensed premises such as boarding houses, caravan parks, parking stations, skin penetration premises, theatres, public halls, noxious trades, common lodging houses, etc.
Disposal action Required as State archives |
No 17.2 Description of records Records relating to: - inspections and investigations of businesses, facilities, buildings, water cooling systems, food premises etc.
- certifications and notifications as to whether land is subject to outstanding notices or orders.
- notifications of inspections and certifications submitted by owners or business or service operators as evidence of compliance with standards and regulations.
- issue of notices for dumping of rubbish, notices to comply, health notices, etc
Records include: - notices to entry, to comply, rectify or remediate
- reports
- food sampling and analysis
- infringements and penalty notices
- inspection and investigation records and supporting documentation
- objections and submissions
- authorisations from other agencies to issue orders and notices
- inspection reports and certificates, e.g. quarterly water cooling tower reports
- annual and supplementary fire safety statements
- certificates of compliance for dangerous/restricted dog enclosures, etc.
Disposal action Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 17.3 Description of records Records relating to applications for permits, approvals etc for: - road openings, cranes, hoardings, erection of gates across public roads and the construction of a by-pass around a road gate
- emergency services, such as bushfire control permits
- chemical and pesticide use
- fireworks
- tree pruning and removal on private property
- legacy records of licensing activities no longer conducted by the organisation e.g. licensing of food premises, common lodging houses, places of public entertainment etc.
Records include applications, determinations, associated correspondence, etc. Disposal action Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed or expiry or termination, then destroy |
No 17.4 Description of records Records relating to the issue of permits, licences, approvals, etc. for low-risk activities or temporary activities. Includes: - bill posting, posters
- leaflet distribution, charitable collections, public addresses, busking, temporary food stalls, toilets etc
- parking permits including special parking arrangements and special or temporary parking zones
- use of parks, reserves and beaches for filming, weddings, driving etc.
Records include applications, refusals, determinations, cancellations, transferrals, amendments, renewals, suspensions, revocations and associated correspondence. Disposal action Retain minimum of 1 year after expiry or action completed, then destroy |
No 17.5 Description of records Audio visual surveillance and monitoring records (e.g. closed circuit television (CCTV) footage, Body Worn Video) which are not required for evidentiary, regulatory or other operational purposes. Note: where the recordings are required as evidence retain in accordance with the relevant entries. Disposal action Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy |