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The activities of developing and providing community services and programs. Includes:
See Authorisation to Council for records relating to accreditations and licences to operate services, etc
See Environmental management for records relating to environmental management programs.
See Functional Retention and Disposal Authority Cemeteries and crematoria operations for records relating to the management of cemeteries and crematoria.
See Functional Retention and Disposal Authority Cultural, recreational and sporting activities for records relating to the management of galleries, museums, sporting and recreational venues.
See Functional Retention and Disposal Authority Provision and regulation of childcare services for records relating to the operation of child care, centres, family day care etc
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Community Relations - Marketing for records relating to campaigns to promote the organisation's services and programs.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Community Relations - Public reaction for records relating to complaints, letters of appreciation etc
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Contracting-out & Commercial Services for records relating to the management of commercial activities.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Government Relations - Agreements for records relating to agreements with other Government organisations.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Strategic Management - Audit for records relating to audits of services provided.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Strategic Management - Compliance for records relating to reports by staff of cases of alleged child abuse
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Strategic Management - Intellectual property for copyright declaration forms signed by users.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative records Strategic Management - Planning for records relating to the development of plans and strategies for community services.
See General Retention and Disposal Authority Public Health Services Patient/client records for records relating to the treatment and care provided to patients at hospitals, nursing homes or community health centres operated by or on behalf of the organisation.
No | Description of records | Disposal action |
5.1 | Key records of community services and programs that are aimed at addressing systemic issues within the local government area, have long term outcomes, or demonstrate innovation. Includes public health, road safety, homelessness, migrant resettlement, sporting, tourism, cultural, recreational, economic development programs, Sister City programs etc. Records include:
| Required as State archives |
5.2 | Records relating to the establishment, negotiation, maintenance and review of agreements to provide and operate community services such as aged care centres, disability services, meals on wheels etc. Records include:
| Retain minimum of 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement or minimum of 7 years after action completed, whichever is longer, then destroy |
5.3 | Records relating to the provision of direct care and/or services to clients of community programs and services, including the aged, people with a disability, the homeless, etc. Records include:
Note: see FA404 for the provision of childcare services, GDA17 for the provision of health care services and FA402 for sporting and gymnasium programs. | Retain until client reaches or would have reached 25 years of age or minimum of 7 years after client leaves service or last attended, whichever is longer, then destroy |
5.4 | Records relating to the handling of allegations of sexual abuse of children and young people by clients, visitors, service providers and members of the public that are received by the organisation. See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative recordsPersonnel - Misconduct for records relating to allegations against members of staff and volunteers. | Retain minimum of 45 years after date of incident, then destroy |
5.5 | Records relating to the management of community services and programs provided by, or on behalf of, the organisation. Includes:
| Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy |
5.6 | Records relating to the implementation and coordination of community events, programs and campaigns. Includes:
Records include liaison, applications to hold events, schedules, information kits, program outlines, reports from coordinators of community services, traffic management plans etc. | Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy |
5.7 | Records relating to the routine management of community services and programs:
| Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy |
No 5.1 Description of records Key records of community services and programs that are aimed at addressing systemic issues within the local government area, have long term outcomes, or demonstrate innovation. Includes public health, road safety, homelessness, migrant resettlement, sporting, tourism, cultural, recreational, economic development programs, Sister City programs etc. Records include:
Disposal action Required as State archives |
No 5.2 Description of records Records relating to the establishment, negotiation, maintenance and review of agreements to provide and operate community services such as aged care centres, disability services, meals on wheels etc. Records include:
Disposal action Retain minimum of 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement or minimum of 7 years after action completed, whichever is longer, then destroy |
No 5.3 Description of records Records relating to the provision of direct care and/or services to clients of community programs and services, including the aged, people with a disability, the homeless, etc. Records include:
Note: see FA404 for the provision of childcare services, GDA17 for the provision of health care services and FA402 for sporting and gymnasium programs. Disposal action Retain until client reaches or would have reached 25 years of age or minimum of 7 years after client leaves service or last attended, whichever is longer, then destroy |
No 5.4 Description of records Records relating to the handling of allegations of sexual abuse of children and young people by clients, visitors, service providers and members of the public that are received by the organisation. See General Retention and Disposal Authority - Administrative recordsPersonnel - Misconduct for records relating to allegations against members of staff and volunteers. Disposal action Retain minimum of 45 years after date of incident, then destroy |
No 5.5 Description of records Records relating to the management of community services and programs provided by, or on behalf of, the organisation. Includes:
Disposal action Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 5.6 Description of records Records relating to the implementation and coordination of community events, programs and campaigns. Includes:
Records include liaison, applications to hold events, schedules, information kits, program outlines, reports from coordinators of community services, traffic management plans etc. Disposal action Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 5.7 Description of records Records relating to the routine management of community services and programs:
Disposal action Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy |
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