Choosing HSC subjects
Students doing the HSC should select courses that align with their abilities, passions and future aspirations. Find out more about HSC course selection, types of courses and HSC pathways.
About subject selection
Your aim is to attain the best Higher School Certificate (HSC) result you can. You should choose courses that you are good at, interested in and may use in the future.
Here's how you can make the right choices when selecting your courses for the HSC:
- Course requirements – know the details of the course you're considering. Find out if there are any major works or performances required as part of the exams.
- Discover the opportunities – each Year 11 and 12 course description can tell you more about potential pathways, including further study, training, and career options after you finish school.
- Check in with your teacher – talk to your teachers about your strengths, weaknesses, and the specific requirements of each course before making your selection.
Meeting HSC eligibility requirements
Learn what students need to know about eligibility, study patterns and course requirements.
Eligibility basics
To be eligible for the HSC, you must fulfil the following criteria:
- Satisfactorily complete Years 9 and 10 or obtain equivalent qualifications recognised by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
- Attend a government school, an accredited non-government school, a NESA recognised school outside NSW, or a TAFE college.
- Successfully complete the HSC: All My Own Work program (or its equivalent) before submitting any work for Preliminary or HSC courses. You do not need to do if you're only enrolled in Year 11 and Year 12 Life Skills courses.
- Satisfactorily complete the required courses as part of the specified study patterns.
- Sit for, and make a serious attempt at the HSC exams as required.
- Meet the HSC minimum standard of literacy and numeracy within 5 years of starting your HSC course.
Understanding study patterns and course requirements
To meet HSC requirements, you must complete the following patterns of study:
- preliminary pattern – must include at least 12 units
- HSC pattern – must include at least 10 units.
Both patterns of study must include at least:
- 6 units of Board Developed Courses
- 2 units of a Board Developed Course in English
- 3 courses with 2 or more units, either Board Developed or Board Endorsed Courses
- 4 subjects.
Some courses have specific rules and prerequisites. For instance, while you can include 2 units of English Studies in your 6 units of Board Developed Courses, it will only count towards your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) if you sit the optional HSC exam.
Certain Languages courses, such as Beginners, [Language] in Context, and [Language] and Literature, have eligibility rules to ensure they match your proficiency in the language.
Types of HSC courses
Find out the different types of HSC courses and what they count towards.
Board Developed Courses
Board Developed Courses are the large number of courses set and examined by NESA that can contribute to the calculation of the ATAR.
These include:
- general education courses
- VET Industry Curriculum Framework courses
- Life Skills courses (not examined).
View a list of all Board Developed Courses.
Board Endorsed Courses
Board Endorsed Courses count towards the HSC but do not have a HSC exam and do not contribute towards the calculation of the ATAR.
These include:
- Content Endorsed Courses
- VET Board Endorsed Courses
- School developed Board Endorsed Courses
- University developed Board Endorsed Courses.
Vocational education and training (VET)
VET courses contribute towards the HSC credential and Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) VET qualification. They are recognised by industry and employers throughout Australia. Board Developed VET courses have an optional HSC exam that means students who choose to sit the exam, the results may also contribute to the calculation of your ATAR. Check with your school about whether this will be possible for you.
VET courses can be studied either at school or through TAFE NSW and other training providers. Students will need to check with the school about which courses are available and the requirements of the different courses. For example, some VET courses require a minimum number of hours in the work place.
Life Skills
Students with intellectual disability can pursue their HSC through Life Skills courses. They have specific entry requirements, and while they don't count towards an ATAR, students still need to meet general eligibility and study patterns to earn the HSC. Talk with the Year Adviser or Careers Adviser to find out whether these courses are suitable.
Understanding HSC pathways
While most students complete their HSC over 2 years during Years 11 and 12, there are alternative pathways that suit different circumstances. For example, if you want to study while you work, care for your family or even take part in elite sports or cultural activities, one of these 5 pathways may be suitable for you.
Pathway | Description |
1. Accumulating | You can take up to 5 consecutive years to finish your studies, starting from the first year you complete an HSC course. |
2. Repeating | You can repeat one or more courses within the 5 years (see pathway 1) without a penalty. Your RoSA will report the results of all attempts. If eligible, the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) will calculate your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) from your most recent HSC results. |
3. Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning (RPL) | You may be able to count courses you did at TAFE or other non-school educational institutions towards your HSC as Credit Transfer. Or you may not need to complete some course components, if you can show that you have met the necessary outcomes in another way via RPL, such as through interstate study. For general education this may apply to a Preliminary course, part of a Preliminary course or part of an HSC course. For more information, see Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning on the NESA ACE website. For VET this may apply to part of a course or the entire course. For more information, see Recognition of prior learning (RPL) and credit transfer within VET courses on the NESA website. |
4. Accelerating/Early commencement VET | You may be able to complete an HSC course, sit for the HSC exam in that course and accumulate these results before you are in Year 12. You may be able to start a Stage 6 VET course while in Year 9 or Year 10 and accumulate the course unit credit towards the HSC. |
5. Undertaking a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship | You can start an apprenticeship or complete a traineeship while you study at school. A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship combines paid work, training and school studies. You will gain an industry recognised national VET qualification and credit towards your HSC. |
Pathway 1. Accumulating Description You can take up to 5 consecutive years to finish your studies, starting from the first year you complete an HSC course. |
Pathway 2. Repeating Description You can repeat one or more courses within the 5 years (see pathway 1) without a penalty. Your RoSA will report the results of all attempts. If eligible, the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) will calculate your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) from your most recent HSC results. |
Pathway 3. Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning (RPL) Description You may be able to count courses you did at TAFE or other non-school educational institutions towards your HSC as Credit Transfer. Or you may not need to complete some course components, if you can show that you have met the necessary outcomes in another way via RPL, such as through interstate study. For general education this may apply to a Preliminary course, part of a Preliminary course or part of an HSC course. For more information, see Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning on the NESA ACE website. For VET this may apply to part of a course or the entire course. For more information, see Recognition of prior learning (RPL) and credit transfer within VET courses on the NESA website. |
Pathway Description You may be able to complete an HSC course, sit for the HSC exam in that course and accumulate these results before you are in Year 12. You may be able to start a Stage 6 VET course while in Year 9 or Year 10 and accumulate the course unit credit towards the HSC. |
Pathway 5. Undertaking a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship Description You can start an apprenticeship or complete a traineeship while you study at school. A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship combines paid work, training and school studies. You will gain an industry recognised national VET qualification and credit towards your HSC. |
HSC University pathways
If you have achieved high-level results at school you can apply to undertake university studies while you are studying for the HSC.
For students from Year 11 onwards, Macquarie University and the University of New England offer HSC University pathways programs. For further details about the program and the application process, contact the university directly.
Visit the UAC website for more information about ATAR eligibility.