Marking guideline principles
View the principles that NESA uses to develop HSC marking guidelines. The principles consider the content and language used in marking guidelines, as well as features that enable valid and reliable marking.
The principles
The 13 principles are listed below.
Principle 1
Marking guidelines will be developed in the context of relevant syllabus outcomes and content.
Principle 2
Marks will be awarded for demonstrating achievement of aspects of the syllabus outcomes addressed by the question.
Principle 3
Marking guidelines will reflect the nature and intention of the question, and will be expressed in terms of the knowledge and skills demanded by the task.
Principle 4
Marking guidelines will indicate the initial criteria that will be used to award marks.
Principle 5
Marking guidelines will allow for less predictable and less defined responses, for example, characteristics such as flair, originality and creativity, or the provision of alternative solutions where appropriate.
Principle 6
Marking guidelines for extended responses will, as far as possible, use language that is consistent with the outcomes and the band descriptions for the subject.
Principle 7
Marking guidelines are to incorporate the generic rubric (if provided on the exam) as well as aspects specifically related to the question.
Principle 8
The language of marking guidelines will be clear, unambiguous and accessible to ensure consistency in marking.
Principle 9
Where a question is designed to test higher-order outcomes, the marking guidelines will allow for differentiation between responses, with more marks being awarded for the demonstration of higher-order outcomes.
Principle 10
Marking guidelines will indicate the quality of response required to gain a mark or a sub-range of marks.
Principle 11
High achievement will not be defined solely in terms of the quantity of information provided.
Principle 12
Optional questions within an exam will be marked using comparable marking criteria.
Principle 13
Marking guidelines for questions that can be answered using a range of contexts and/or content will have a common marking guideline exemplified using appropriate contexts and/or content.
Related information
Read more about the HSC exam development process or find out how to get involved.