How exams are developed
HSC exam papers go through a rigorous drafting and review process before they are approved. See the steps involved in exam development.
Exam development process
All students in NSW sit the same exam for each course, which NESA sets, conducts and marks. Most courses have written exams, but some have practical or performance exams.
Developing a written HSC exam involves 3 main steps:
- drafting
- reviewing
- finalising.
All 3 steps include rigorous quality assurance and information security management processes.
Drafting the exams
An exam committee writes each exam and its marking guidelines. This committee consists of expert teachers and academics.
The exam committee
All exam committee members receive clear guidelines for writing exam questions. They also receive training in:
- the outcomes-based approach of HSC syllabuses
- principles and processes for setting exams and developing marking guidelines
- roles and responsibilities
- question and task design.
A chief examiner chairs each committee. Chief examiners are responsible for:
- developing the exam and reviewing feedback
- working with supervisors of marking and senior markers at marking centres to ensure each question is marked appropriately.
Exams are drafted between October and April each year. They must align with exam specifications, such as the number of questions or sections. NESA senior assessment officers support the committees.
Representation within the exam committee
Wherever possible, exam committees have:
- gender balance
- people from secondary and tertiary education backgrounds
- people from both government and non-government schools.
Reviewing the draft exams
Draft exam and marking guidelines are reviewed by the following:
Practising teacher
An experienced, practising teacher of the course 'sits' each draft exam. They answer all questions except extended-response questions. For extended-response questions, they list the characteristics of a good answer. They also review the paper’s language, instructions, accuracy and level of difficulty.
Syllabus expert
A curriculum manager or appointed curriculum officer from NESA checks that each draft exam:
- tests a representative sampling of content and outcomes
- allows students to show performance at all levels on the achievement scale.
They ensure each question is correctly mapped against syllabus outcomes, content and band descriptions. They also ensure performance standards in the draft marking guidelines align with the syllabus.
Supervisor of marking
The supervisor of marking reviews the draft marking guidelines to ensure they meet NESA’s principles and are suitable for the marking process.
Literacy specialist
Literacy specialists recommend any revisions needed for EAL/D students.
Assessment expert
A senior assessment officer reviews the exam to ensure it meets NESA's principles for exam setting. They identify any questions that need to be revised.
Copy editor
A copy editor reviews the exam to ensure the questions are clear and in line with NESA style guides.
Finalising the exams
Addressing comments
- Exam committees revise draft exams, mapping grids and marking guidelines in line with reviewers’ comments.
- A review group makes sure the exam committee has addressed all comments.
- The chief examiner and another committee member proofread and sign off on the final version of the exam.
- The chief examiner and the supervisor of marking approve the final marking guidelines at the marking centre.
Modified exams
After the exams are signed off, modified exams are developed for students with disability requirements who can’t use the standard exams. These include braille, screen reader, non-instrument, large print and other customised versions.
Ensuring quality
Multiple-choice questions
Exam committees take special care to ensure the quality of multiple-choice questions. They follow a checklist to ensure that all multiple-choice questions:
- have options that are logically ordered and grammatically consistent with the sentence stem
- are clearly expressed
- have only one correct or best answer.
When reviewing the draft exam, the practising teacher answers all multiple-choice questions.
Further procedural and editorial checks
Before printing:
- the chief examiner and exam committee members proofread and check the exam
- the paper is reviewed by the copy editor and all citations are checked
- NESA officers check the exam and approve printed proofs.
After the HSC exams are marked, each exam committee receives:
- feedback from the supervisor of marking about which questions worked well and which caused problems
- statistics on the exam and its questions
- a summary of issues that teachers, students and parents raised about the exam.
The chief examiner will consider all this feedback when developing the next year’s exam. NESA officers also consider this feedback when evaluating the year’s program.