Approved calculators
Only calculators approved by NESA can be used in HSC exams. Find the full list of the approved calculators and the approval process for calculator suppliers.
Calculators in exams
To ensure the fairness and integrity of HSC exams, NESA publishes a list of approved scientific calculators. Approved calculators can only be used in the HSC exams listed on the exam equipment list page.
Candidates must be familiar with a calculator's operation before the exam.
Instructions on how to operate a calculator, such as booklets or reference cards are not permitted in exam rooms.
Calculators must be switched off and reset before entering into the exam room.
Approved calculators
The following calculators are approved for 2023 HSC exams onwards.
Brand | Product |
Abacus |
Canon |
Casio |
Hewlett-Packard |
Jastek |
Scholar |
Sharp |
Texas Instruments |
Brand Abacus Product
Brand Canon Product
Brand Casio Product
Brand Hewlett-Packard Product
Brand Jastek Product
Brand RSB Product
Brand Scholar Product
Brand Sharp Product
Brand Texas Instruments Product
Approved accessible calculators
Students with low vision or vision impairment can use the approved accessible calculators listed below.
Students who are unable to use the approved accessible calculators in the list below, may apply to use an appropriate alternative (including the Desmos ∛27 – Scientific Calculator App) through NESA’s HSC Disability Provisions program.
Brand | Product |
SciPlus |
Texas Instruments |
Brand SciPlus Product
Brand Texas Instruments Product
* Students wishing to use the calculator’s speech output function must apply through NESA's HSC Disability Provisions program.
‘Approved calculators’ are scientific calculators that meet NESA’s requirements for available features. In addition to typical calculator features, NESA approved scientific calculators can typically:
- calculate in scientific notation: EXP or ×10𝑥
- calculate powers and roots: 𝑥² and √𝑥; 𝑥³ and ³√𝑥; 𝑥𝑛 and 𝑛√x
- calculate reciprocals: 𝑥-1 or
- evaluate logarithms and exponentials: ln 𝑥 and 𝑒𝑥; log10 𝑥 and 10𝑥
- calculate trigonometric and inverse trigonometric values: sin 𝑥, cos 𝑥, tan 𝑥, sin-1𝑥, cos-1𝑥 and tan-1𝑥
- calculate permutations and combinations: 𝑛𝑃𝑟 and 𝑛𝐶𝑟
- convert between polar and Cartesian form
- perform basic statistical operation to obtain measures such as mean, median, lower and upper quartiles and standard deviation
- perform linear regression.
A NESA approved calculator may NOT:
- be programmable – a calculator is considered programmable if it can have a sequence of steps entered by the user, and then stored to be executed by the calculator
- have graphing capability – a calculator with graphing capability is able to graph data or store, manipulate and graph functions
- have computer algebraic system (CAS) functionality – CAS functionality includes:
- differentiation and integration, and the solution of equations
- symbolic manipulation such as addition of algebraic expressions and binomial expansion
- have inbuilt financial functions – a calculator able to compute depreciation, annuities, simple and compound interest, and break-even point.
NESA's calculator approval process
NESA invites calculator suppliers to submit product for assessment and inclusion on the approved calculators list.
Calculators previously approved by NESA will not need to be resubmitted by suppliers for approval.
The phases below detail the process for assessing and approving calculator products.
Call for submissions
The NESA website announces dates for a ‘Call for submissions’ for calculator suppliers to submit calculator products for examination. Existing suppliers will be notified via email. From 2024 onwards:
- submissions open: 1 June
- submissions close: 31 July.
Suppliers send form and calculators
For each calculator product, suppliers must send in 2 calculators to NESA. NESA will keep one calculator and will send one back.
Suppliers must email a completed calculator approval application form and the specifications manual for each calculator product.
Submissions are encouraged for accessible calculators for students with disability. Only one calculator must be sent in for the review, which will be returned to the supplier.
The calculators are assessed. The assessment of a calculator considers:
- NESA’s features of approved calculators
- NESA’s prohibited calculator features
- the syllabus content for which approved calculators can be used in the associated HSC exams.
Final approval of the calculator list is delegated to the Executive Director, Curriculum and Assessment.
Calculator suppliers will be contacted via email with an outcome of the decision for calculator approval and the approved calculators are added to the list of approved calculators.
From 2024 onwards:
- suppliers notified of outcome: Mid-August
- decision appeals: within 14 days post outcome notification
- approved calculator list released: by last week September (for calculators approved for use in the HSC the following year).
Calculators on the approved list can be used in the HSC exam in the year after their approval. For instance, the approval list published in 2024 is for the 2025 HSC exam.
Appealing a decision
NESA follows the process to appeal a decision under the Administrative Decisions Review Act 1997.
Appeal submission
If a calculator supplier wants to appeal the decision, they must submit the appeal through NESA within 14 days of receiving the calculator approval decision letter.
The appeal must state the reason why the decision is considered unacceptable, making reference to the evidence supplied in the original application. The appeal must include new supportive evidence.
Internal review
NESA will conduct an internal review and make a decision within 21 days. This review will be conducted by someone who:
- is suitably qualified
- was not substantially involved in the process of making the decision under review.
The outcome of the appeal and reasons for the decision will be sent to the calculator supplier.
More information
For more information on the addition or removal of calculators from NESA’s approved list email