Training and preparation activities
Online training options are available to help principals and teachers prepare their schools for NAPLAN. Staff and students can access practice options to become familiar with online NAPLAN tests.
Benefits of training and preparation
All schools in NSW complete NAPLAN using the Online National Assessment Platform (the platform).
Principals and NAPLAN coordinators must ensure their school’s test administrators are prepared for and trained in administering NAPLAN. They are also responsible for ensuring students and test administration staff are familiar with the tools and functionality of the online tests before the start of the NAPLAN test window.
Training for school staff and preparation activities for staff and students provide many benefits. They include:
- the opportunity for students to be well-prepared and to reduce stress during testing
- understanding disability adjustments for NAPLAN
- learning how to manage unexpected events
- the opportunity for staff who administer the NAPLAN tests to become familiar with the platform's functionality before the tests take place
- allowing schools to become familiar with new or changed administrative procedures ahead of time
- the opportunity for schools to assess their infrastructure and identify areas that may need to be resolved before NAPLAN starts
- the ability for schools to check they have the correct version of the NAP locked down browser (NAP LDB) installed.
Training for school staff
All staff involved in administering NAPLAN are strongly encouraged to engage in training before the tests in March.
eLearning modules (self-paced)
eLearning modules are available on NESA learning.
The modules reinforce content covered in the live online training sessions and supplement in-school training of staff.
- Module 1: NAPLAN overview – includes principal’s responsibilities (20 minutes)
- Module 2: NAPLAN coordinator’s role – includes technical preparation (60 minutes)
- Module 3: NAPLAN test administrator’s role (60 minutes).
NAPLAN coordinators should complete all 3 modules.
Preparation activities
Schools can choose from 3 practice options to prepare for NAPLAN. Schools should use the option that best suits their staff and student requirements.
Option 1: NAP LDB demonstration tests
Schools can access short demonstration tests through the NAP LDB.
The NAP LDB demonstration tests are available all year round. Download and install the NAP LDB using the instructions on the Online National Assessment Platform.
The demonstration NAPLAN tests help staff and students:
- understand the types of questions asked
- experience its interactive navigation
- try out the platform's online tools
- trial adjustments that may be appropriate for students with disability.
This option is best for test administrators and students who have experience with NAPLAN.
Option 2: NAPLAN training and practice environment
The NAPLAN training and practice environment is available now. It mimics the online delivery environment and provides a detailed end-to-end test experience for test administrators.
Staff and students can practise with the platform using mock test sessions and student data.
A NAPLAN welcome pack containing login details for this environment was delivered to schools at the start of Term 1.
This option is best for staff and students who have little or no experience with NAPLAN.
Option 3: Public demonstration site
The public demonstration site is available all year from the National Assessment Program (NAP) website.
The site aims to help students understand the types of questions asked, and the tools available, in the online NAPLAN tests. Students can access the public demonstration site from home.
Unlike the NAP LDB demonstration tests, the public demonstration tests:
- are not tailored
- do not include branching between testlets but do include examples of branching messages. Schools need to prepare students for the types of messages they will get at branching points.
- allow the use of software or settings prohibited by the NAP LDB. For example, the public demonstration site does not disable features such as grammar and spell-check. These features are disabled during NAPLAN testing.
Checking device requirements
School staff must ensure their school is using devices supported for NAPLAN. They must also check that their devices meet minimum technical requirements. Both checks must take place before testing begins. This includes checking requirements such as:
- screen size
- operating system version
- network
- security.
Common device issues
There are known issues with certain devices. This is where you will need to take additional action to allow the device to be used for NAPLAN. For example, schools that use Apple MacBook Pro devices will need to disable the touch bar to maintain the integrity of the test.
Further information can be found in the locked down browser user guides on the Assessform website.