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Adjustments requiring school approval
Types of adjustments
Schools can allocate disability adjustments that don't need NESA approval at their discretion. Your school is responsible for adding the adjustments to the Online National Assessment Platform (the platform) before testing begins. Information on how and when to do this is provided to schools before the NAPLAN test period.
Adjustments that only require school approval
NESA approval is not required for the following adjustments:
Alternative items
- Black text on blue background
- Black text on green background
- Black text on lilac background
- Black text on white background
- Black text on yellow background
- 1 extra minute for every 6 minutes of test time
- 1 extra minute for every 3 minutes of test time
- 1 extra minute for every 2 minutes of test time
Additional support
Assistive technology
- Devices that don't require an unsecured browser and are compatible with the test construct. For example:
- ergonomic mouse
- Bluetooth headphones
- classroom communication devices.
Alternative items – audio
The conventions of language test contains spelling questions that rely on students accessing audio files. Alternative questions can be provided for students with a hearing impairment who cannot access the audio files.
Alternative items – visual
Visually simplified test questions can be provided to students with a vision impairment.
Colour themes
Five colour themes are available for students with a disability who need assessment material to be on a specific colour background. The colour themes are available on the public demonstration site. You can use these to check a student's needs before NAPLAN.
The 5 colour themes are:
- black text on blue background
- black text on green background
- black text on lilac background
- black text on white background
- black text on yellow background.
Extra time - up to 1 extra minute for every 2 minutes of test time
Extra time may be provided for students with a disability who usually require additional time to complete assessment tasks.
NAPLAN support person
A NAPLAN support person may be provided during the reading, conventions of language, and numeracy tests. This may be provided for a student with a disability who usually needs help with indicating responses in assessment tasks.
Oral or sign language support
An oral or sign support person may be provided for students with a hearing impairment who usually require assistance with assessment tasks.
Rest breaks
Rest breaks may be provided for students with a disability who usually need rest breaks to complete assessment tasks.