Results and reports
Find out how NAPLAN results are measured and reported.
How results are reported
The Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) reports NAPLAN results by measuring proficiency standards. The proficiency standards provide simple and clear information on student achievement in literacy and numeracy. They represent a challenging but reasonable expectation of what students at each assessed year level know and can do at the time of NAPLAN testing.
There are 4 levels of proficiency used to measure student's results:
- exceeding
- strong
- developing
- needs additional support.
More information on proficiency levels is available on the National Assessment Program (NAP) website.
Reports for schools
The Student and school summary report (SSSR) provides data on how students and year groups performed in NAPLAN tests. It includes summaries of the skills tested and student performance by test domain for each year level.
The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) NAPLAN team will email principals and NAPLAN coordinators when the NAPLAN 2025 SSSR is available to download.
Reports for parents or carers
Schools distribute 2 NAPLAN reports to parents or carers that show their child's achievements.
The 2 reports are:
- Individual student report (ISR)
- Additional student report (ASR).
NAPLAN results are a snapshot of a student’s performance at a point in time. Teachers will have the best insights for parents and carers regarding:
- the educational progress of students
- how a student’s result relates to other school-based assessments and classroom learning
- additional support that may be required.
Individual student report (ISR)
The ISR shows a student’s results in the key areas of:
- writing
- reading
- conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation)
- numeracy.
If a school had 5 or more students participate in a test, the school average for that test is also shown.
Additional student report (ASR)
The ASR provides additional information including:
- tables providing a description of the skills tested
- how the student responded
- an indication of the relative difficulty of each question.
Previous reports
NESA cannot provide copies of NAPLAN student reports directly to parents or carers for privacy reasons. Parents or carers need to contact the child's school or previous school to request a copy.