This page is part of a series of pages highlighting key recent major cultural infrastructure projects supported by Create NSW and other partners.
Also visit the Walsh Bay Arts Precinct landing page.
Project at a glance
The Walsh Bay Arts Precinct is a public arts and cultural hub on Sydney’s famous waterfront, Sydney Harbour.
The redevelopment combined the existing heritage structures with new, state-of-the-art facilities for rehearsals, performance and planning by resident art companies. See Special Features below for details.
The adaption and design of the new precinct received major awards, including NSW Architecture Awards 2022 Public Architecture Award, The National Trust Heritage Award Winner, Adaptive Re-use, 2022, National Infrastructure Awards Winner 2022.
See Create NSW News pages for more about awards for the Walsh Bay redevelopment.
Who is it for
The Walsh Bay Arts Precinct is for everyone who loves art and culture. There are public performance and workshop spaces beside an inspiring Sydney Harbour backdrop.
It also provides a dynamic and creative space for major art organisations, Australian Chamber Orchestra, Australian Theatre for Young People, Bangarra Dance Theatre, Bell Shakespeare, Gondwana Choirs, Sydney Dance Company, Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, Sydney Theatre Company, and The Song Company
See Walsh Bay Arts Precinct for more about the precinct.
Who is involved
There were a number of design experts, groups and contractors involved in redeveloping Walsh Bay in consultation with Infrastructure NSW and Create NSW. These include:
- Tonkin Zulaikha Greer architects worked to a vision to transform Pier 2/3 and Wharf 4/5 into "an arts destination where the synergy of co-located creatives would generate a powerful cultural energy, open and visible to the public".
- Richard Crookes Constructions was contracted to work on Stage One of the redevelopment of the Walsh Bay Arts Precinct, revitalising Pier 2/3 from an empty wool store to a premium 21st century space for theatre and music performance.
- Hassell | Sydney Theatre Company's The Wharf ( -principal architect for the STC redevelopment within Wharf 4/5.
The Precinct Manager facilitates the operations of the precinct (See Create NSW Properties pages).
Special features
Since redevelopment began in 2018, Walsh Bay Arts Precinct has been transformed into a premium 21st century space for making, performing and experiencing theatre, dance and music.
The redevelopment celebrates and preserves the unique heritage value of Pier 2/3 and Wharf 4/5.
The two Walsh Bay piers that now house the arts precinct, were adapted from use as loading docks into a series of award-winning art spaces.
The redevelopment works strengthened the piers and delivered state-of-the-art acoustic solutions and bespoke fit out.

Rehearsal studio for the Australian Chamber Orchestra at Walsh Bay Arts Precinct Pier 2/3 by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer. Image: Brett Boardman.
Images: Above, Rehearsal studio for the Australian Chamber Orchestra at Walsh Bay Arts Precinct Pier 2/3 by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer. Photo Brett Boardman.
Image top right page banner: Redeveloped Pier 2/3 at Walsh Bay Arts Precinct. Photo Brett Boardman
The Walsh Bay precinct redevelopment began in 2018. It opened to the public in early 2022.
See Infrastructure NSW: Walsh Bay Arts and Cultural Precinct for Timeline
More information
See Walsh Bay Arts Precinct page and Infrastructure NSW: Walsh Bay Arts and Cultural Precinct