Automated grants

Use this component on landing pages to showcase upcoming grants and grants that are open for applications. Automated grants will display grants titles, summaries and closing dates in a scrolling carousel.

See and interact with the Automated grants component block demo on this page.

1. Automated grants with images and summary

Example of Automated grants component with:

  • topic selected as 'Business and economy'
  • agency selected as 'Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade'
  • images turned on
  • summary text turned on
  • title field with default text.

2. Automated grants without images and summary

Example of Automated grants component with:

  • topic selected as 'Arts and culture'
  • images turned off
  • summary text turned off
  • title field with default text.

3. Automated grants with topic and agency fields used

Example of Automated grants component with:

  • topic selected as 'Arts and culture'
  • agency selected as 'Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade'
  • images turned on
  • summary text turned off
  • title field with default text.

4. Automated grants with agency field used

Example of Automated grants component with:

  • agency selected as 'Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade'
  • images turned off
  • summary text turned on
  • title field with default text.



See the Help Hub guide for detailed instructions on how and when to use this component.

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