Content block

Content blocks are used to display groups of related content and/or links. This block includes 3 variants – Icon blocks, Image blocks and Text blocks.

See and interact with the Content block demo on this page.


Image block

Use image blocks, rather than icon blocks, when an image better describes the content or when a suitable icon can’t be sourced.

Demo component - image block

2 column (Halves) section.

Block 1 – image, description, link list, link.

Block 2 – image, description, single link (secondary button).

Steamers Beach, Booderee National Park
Image block 1 heading

A short description can be added above a link list to give it context.

Optional link 1

Optional link 2

Optional link 3

Dry river bed at Mutawintji National Park
Image block 2 heading

Descriptive text can be included in the image block. The image should be relevant to the text inside the block.

Multiple lines or paragraphs of text can be added to the block. 


Icon block

The icon block variant allows you to select a pictogram from a drop down menu to help the audience easily scan and identify information.

Demo component - icon block

3 column (Thirds) section.

  • Block 1 – pictogram, heading, short description, single content link.
  • Block 2 – pictogram, heading, description, link list.
  • Block 3 – pictogram, heading, longer description, no links. 
Icon block 1 heading

This pictogram block includes a short description and a single link.

Icon block 2 heading

A short sentence above the link list gives context to this pictogram block.

Optional link 1

Optional link 2

Optional link 3

Icon block heading 3

A longer and more descriptive passage of text can be included within the block. Including links is optional. 

The text should be relevant to the pictogram. 

Text block

Use text blocks when no suitable icons or images will provide additional context for the audience. 

Demo component - text block

4 column (Quarters) section.

  • Block 1 – heading, description, link.
  • Block 2 – heading, description, link list.
  • Block 3 – heading, description.
  • Block 4 – heading, description, link list. 
Text 1 heading

This text block shows a short descriptive sentence to provide some context.

The text should be no longer than 200 characters.

When using multiple blocks in a row try to keep the length of each description similar.

Text 2 heading

Links are optional. If you include links, 5 is the maximum number of links that should be included within a single block.

Optional link 1

Optional link 2

Optional link 3

Optional link 4

Optional link 5


Text 3 heading

This text block contains only text, without any other styling or links. 

It should contain a short descriptive sentence to provide some context.

The text is limited to 200 characters.

Text 3 heading

A short descriptive sentence to provide some context above a link list.

Links are optional. If you include links, 5 is the maximum number of links that should be included. 

Optional link 1

Optional link 2


See the Help Hub guide for detailed instructions on how and when to use this component.

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