Funding to host internships for emerging practitioners with disability or who are d/Deaf in the arts, screen and cultural industries.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Up to $5,500
- Application opened: 13 November 2023
- Application closed: 11 December 2023, 5:00 pm
Program objective
To support the arts, screen and cultural organisations to be diverse and inclusive and develop career pathways for people with disability or who are d/Deaf.
This program is administered by Create NSW and Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade.
This program is funded by Create NSW.
Program Overview
Arts, Screen and Cultural organisations will host interns for a period of 4 weeks (full-time) or up to 16 weeks (part-time), whatever is most appropriate to the needs of the organisation and the availability of the intern.
The Createability Internship Program supports up to 10 participants who are placed with 10 major NSW organisations across the arts, screen and culture sectors. The program provides customised training followed by paid internships.
The desired outcomes of the program include increased skills development for and growth in participation of people with disability or who are d/Deaf, leading to more people with disability contracted and employed by arts, screen and cultural organisations across NSW.
The Createability Internship Program is a partnership between Create NSW, Screen NSW and Accessible Arts and a range of NSW-based arts, screen and cultural organisations.
To apply for Createability Host funding
You must
- have a valid ABN for your organisation
- be an arts, screen and cultural organisation and/or a Local Government Authority located in NSW, and
- have a clearly defined focus on arts, screen and cultural activity that either:
- benefits NSW by employing professional NSW artists or arts and cultural workers (including museum workers)
- provides arts and cultural experiences to the people of NSW.
Who can apply
Arts, screen and cultural organisations with a genuine interest in providing increased skills development for and growth in participation of people with disability or who are d/Deaf.
Host organisations will participate in training to increase their awareness of inclusive and accessible practices.
Hosts will need to provide appropriate workplace support, management and any required equipment. Specialised/adapted equipment may be eligible to be funded through the Job Access program.
Host organisations will be involved in the intern selection process (including reviewing applications and conducting interviews), to ensure an appropriate candidate is selected to work with them.
Most recent Createability Host Organisations
Animal Logic
Art Gallery of NSW
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Campbelltown Arts Centre
Cementa Inc
Endemol Shine
Fremantle Media
Goalpost Pictures
Industrial Light and Magic
Jungle Entertainment
Merrigong Theatre Company
Museum of Contemporary Art
Musica Viva
Performance Space
Sydney Festival
Sydney Opera House
Sydney Theatre Company
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
The Createability Host Organisation application form asks a series of questions about your organisation, including:
- why you’re applying, what you hope to get out of the program and what your organisation could offer an intern
- the level of experience your organisation/LGA has in relation to access and inclusion, and in hosting interns
- logistical questions about the level of support you would be able to provide an intern, and what sort of support you may need from Create NSW
- specific access information about your premises (with the hope that interns can attend in-person where desired)
The form also requests information about the type of internship your organisation would like to offer, which will then be featured in the Intern Guidelines to enable applicants to apply for specific internship opportunities.
Please be as specific as possible about the sort of internship you would like to offer.
You might like someone to work across a number of different sections of your organisation/LGA or prefer someone to work in a particular area or on one specific project.
Please describe the type of work you are offering and the type of person you are seeking (e.g. in terms of experience level, previous work experience etc). If you have a number of different potential internship projects to offer, please list them all.
Host organisations may wish to extend their internship offer for a longer period of time, to offer a more in-depth internship experience (and contributing funding themselves for the extended salary). If this is something you are interested in offering, please mention this in the ‘Internship Opportunities’ section of the application form.
The internship program must have clearly defined arts, screen and cultural activity at its core including and not limited to:
- Marketing
- Curating
- Production
- Front of house
- Arts administration
- Public programs
- Art department
- Camera and sound
- Writing
- Producing
- Animation and visual effects
- Editing
- Intern applications open – 29 January 2024
- Intern applications close –11 March 2024 at 5pm
- Shortlisted Intern candidates provided to Host Organisations – 23 April 2024
- Interns interviewed (panel to include Create NSW, Screen NSW Accessible Arts NSW with Host Organisations) – between 30 April and
2 May 2024 - Disability Awareness Training provided to Host Organisations – 20 May to 30 June 2024
- Internship recipients and Host Organisations announced – by 13 May 2024
- Host organisations and Interns contracted – May 2024
- Internships take place – May 2024 through to December 2024
Start the application
All applicants must apply via the secure online grants system, SmartyGrants. If you have any technical difficulties, please call (02) 9228 4578.
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Director Arts, Create NSW
Once your application has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation from our secure online grants system, SmartyGrants.
Pre-eligibility check
Your application will be checked for eligibility.
If eligible, your application will proceed to the assessment process.
If your application is deemed ineligible, you will be advised via email within 14 days from your submission and your application will not proceed to the two stage assessment process.
Please note: You can withdraw your application at any time. Please email with your name and application number.
Assessment Stage 1
Applications will be assessed by a panel of Create NSW, Screen NSW and Accessible Arts staff against the assessment criteria.
Selected Host Organisations will be notified and involved in the following assessment stage.
Assessment Stage 2
Host organisations will participate in the interview process of internship applicants facilitated by Create NSW and Screen NSW staff, with Accessible Arts also in attendance.
Successful Applicants
If you can be matched with a suitable intern your application is deemed successful. You will be sent an agreement outlining conditions of funding, payment process and reporting requirements.
Application Outcome
All applicants will be notified via SmartyGrants email of the outcome of their applications.
Additional Assistance
Interns will tell you what they need to do their work well in the application form and interview. We will support their needs with Job Access or the Host Organisations with the Employee Assistance Fund (run by Job Access). To get help from Job Access, interns need to work at least 8 hours a week for 13 weeks.
Acknowledgement of Create NSW
As a recipient of Government funding, you will be expected to acknowledge the support from Create NSW and Screen NSW in all professional development activity/s publications, promotional and advertising materials, public announcements, and professional development activities.
For more information, please read Create NSW Logo Guidelines and contact Melissa Keogh, Designer, Create NSW for a copy of the logo package.
Unsuccessful Applicants
All applicants will be offered an opportunity to seek application feedback within a one-month period of receiving their notification outcome. Create NSW staff will provide a general round summary and application feedback, which can be via a call or an online meeting through a bookings link - please book here
Support and contact
Create NSW staff are available to provide information to applicants on the interpretation of these Guidelines, including the types of eligible projects for funding and advice on the application process.
Create NSW staff are here to help you and can be contacted between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) via:
- Telephone: (02) 9228 4578
- Scheduling an online meeting to speak to Create staff through a bookings link - please book here
- David Everist Manager - email:
- Arts Funding team email:
Accessibility, inclusion and support
We have resources to assist you with your funding application.
If you need this information in an accessible format or in another language, contact us on (02) 9228 4578 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (Excluding Public Holidays).
The National Relay Service numbers are:
TTY users: Phone 133 677 then ask for (02) 9228 4578.
Speak and Listen users: Phone 1300 555 727then ask for (02) 9228 4578.
Internet relay users: Connect to NES then ask for (02) 9228 4578.