Online jobs boards and other resources
Discover the different types of job listing websites, and how to set up job profiles and alerts.
Job search websites
Online job search websites such as Seek, Career One, LinkedIn and others not only list vacancies but provide helpful advice on how to:
- search for jobs using keywords and filters
- set up job alerts
- create a profile or store a resume online.
The Australian Government's:
- Jobs Hub has tips on using job boards
- Workforce Australia provides hints and advice to help your job search and make your resume and cover letter stand out.
Company websites
If there are specific employers or companies you’d like to work for, visit the careers section of their website or one of their social media channels, like Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.
Even if there are no suitable jobs advertised, you can often register your interest and preferences, and be notified if a role that matches your criteria becomes available in the future.
Recruitment agencies
Employment or recruitment agencies are companies that match people to jobs. Some specialise in particular kinds of roles or industries.
Visit their websites to search for available roles and other job finding resources.
If there are no jobs that match your skills and experience, you can often upload your resume or register an expression of interest.
Jobs in government
There is a wide range of jobs, careers, professional development options, as well as training and education opportunities offered across local, state and federal governments.
Jobs in government cover many areas of work, including:
- business or community services
- communications and human resources
- economic development and infrastructure
- science and the environment
- finance and treasury
- tourism and recreation.
You can find general information, application checklists, vacancies and more resources for jobs in:
- Local government - careers at council
- NSW State Government - I work for NSW
- Commonwealth Government - Jobs Hub.