At NSW Industrial Relations we welcome your feedback, enquiries and complaints about workplace matters in NSW. Depending on the nature of your enquiry you may be directed to another organisation such as Industrial Relations Commission or Fair Work Commission.
Online enquiries
Enquiries about workplace matters if you work for, or in the private sector:
Including for:
- long service leave (under the Long Service Leave Act 1955)
- gazetted NSW public holidays
- Local Government Awards
- or the Taxi and other Transport Industry Contract Determinations.
For people working in NSW Government only:
Before completing the form please ensure you've written to, and waited a reasonable time for a response from, your Human Resources/People and Culture officer.
If you are a Public Sector Human Resources officer or People and Culture officer, please contact your designated Public Sector Industrial Relations officer for industrial advice.
Contact Fair Work Commission on 1300 799 675 if your complaint is about
- ending employment including unfair dismissal
- unlawful termination or general protections, or
- bullying, harassment or discrimination at work.
Note: NSW Public Sector employee or NSW Local Government employees considering or intending to lodge a claim for unfair dismissal should contact the NSW Industrial Relations Commission on the Public Sector form above.
Contact the Fair Work Ombudsman on 13 13 94
If your complaint is about
- pay, conditions or workplace rights under Commonwealth legislation
- enterprise agreements or
- modern awards.
Phone us
Phone 131 628 (from anywhere within NSW)
TTY 1800 555 677
Language assistance: Call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 (for the cost of a local call (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
Post GPO Box 5341 Sydney NSW 2001
Workplace Complaints
You can lodge a complaint with NSW Industrial Relations if you feel you haven't received an entitlement owed to you regarding
- Long Service Leave
- non-payment of award
- statutory entitlements.
Our newsletter and social media
Our Customer Service Commitment
We are committed to providing the best possible service to our customers.
See our Customer Service Commitment