Local Land Services (LLS) manage and provide information on many TSR in NSW, including issuing permits to use TSR.
Before applying for a permit:
- Find out more about using travelling stock reserves (TSR)
- Be aware that you must apply for a permit at least 2 working days before the permit is required.
- Be aware that stock permits may authorise a number of different things on TSR.
- Always check with Local Land Services that the stock permit you're applying for, or that you hold, expressly authorises stock to move or graze across or along a public roador TSR.
How do I get started applying?
- Choose a permit or lease appropriate to your needs by browsing the list below.
- Revisit Using travelling stock reserves (TSR) and browse the TSR classification map
- Contact Local Land Services for more details, and to start your application process.
- Before submitting your application:
- remember you’ll need to submit it at least 2 working days before the permit is required
- have the appropriate documentation ready (see below)
- check with Local Land Services for current conditions of use or for advice.
Stock permits
There are 5 types of stock permits for use of TSR. These are for varying lengths of time and stock usage. Different conditions and requirements may apply.
This is issued to a landholder to allow stock to graze on a fenced, open or unfenced TSR for up to 12 months, but typically for a duration of less than 90 days.
It is a condition of the permit that travelling stock are still permitted to access the TSR.
The duration of permitted use and mob size allowed on a TSR is dependent on seasonal conditions, water availability and various other locally determined conditions.
To apply, contact your nearest LLS office on 1300 795 299.
Long term grazing permits only apply to a portion of TSR in each region and provide livestock producers with grazing access to a TSR for periods of between 12 months and 5 years.
Permits are allocated via a tender process.
Successful submissions are assessed based on selection criteria that determine the annual permit fee and ensures appropriate ongoing management of the TSR.
Landholders with long term grazing permits for select travelling stock reserves must still obtain a separate permit to move or graze livestock on public roads.
Tenders are open for the 2025-2030 long term grazing permit period from Monday 3 March until 11:59pm on Sunday, 30 March 2025.
This permit is issued for a duration of up to 12 months, but typically for less than 90 days, to allow stock to graze over a specific section of road.
These permits are issued for shire roads, often in times of drought or for hazard reduction.
It is normally issued to the landholder adjoining the area as it may not have watering facilities. Stock are to be moved back to the property at night.
In some regions, landholders are required to obtain permission from their local council before applying for a permit. To apply or find out more, contact your nearest LLS office on 1300 795 299.
This permit applies to routine movements of stock between two or more properties owned or occupied by the same person and are issued to local stock owners annually.
RSMP do not allow for grazing. Stock movements under a RSMP are for walking directly between properties and are not for transporting stock.
If you are moving livestock between one or more holdings, where you are not the owner/occupier, you must get consent from the owner.
To apply, contact your nearest LLS office on 1300 795 299.
A landholder consent form is to be used in conjunction with a routine stock movement permit if you are not the owner/occupier.
A travelling stock permit may be used for non-destination grazing to allow passage of stock from the owner's property to another property not owned by the stock owner, for example for droving to sale yards.
A walking stock permit authorises stock to walk on a TSR at a rate of not less than 10 km per day.
A slow travel permit authorises stock to walk on a TSR at a rate of less than 10 km per day.
To apply, contact your nearest LLS office on 1300 795 299.
Stock permit conditions and rules
Remember to check with your nearest Local Land Services office for current TSR conditions and stock usage rules. These may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- travel only along the route specified on the permit
- notify the biosecurity officer at the relevant LLS region of any changes along the journey
- ensure stock are deemed free of disease before entering a TSR or public road
- keep control of grazing or walking stock at all times
- only walk stock between sunrise and sunset
- yard stock at night in a secure holding paddock or approved freestanding break
- display a temporary stock zone or approved stock warning sign when stock are walking or grazing near or on a roadway.
See Moving livestock on public roads for more about:
- stock zones
- stock warning signs
- moving stock on public roads
- transporting stock.
For general information on activities you can and can't do on TSR, see Using TSR.
Reserve use permits
A reserve use permit grants individuals or groups the authorisation to engage in activities within a designated TSR in the region. The permit shall define the specific days and/or times during which the authorised activities, occupation, or utilisation may occur.
Permits vary depending on use and include:
- Education Activity / Personal / Not-for-profit / Community Activity – such as organised bushwalking or bird watching groups, photography and orienteering.
- Cultural Use – for Aboriginal groups to use TSR to undertake organised cultural activities.
- Commercial Activity / Special Purpose Use – such as collection of native plant seed for a commercial nursery.
To apply, contact your nearest LLS office on 1300 795 299.
Apiary reserve use permit
This permit allows beekeepers to place bee hives (apiaries) within a nominated area of a TSR. Local Land Services is responsible for managing apiary reserve use permits issued on TSR through BPASS.
BPASS is a NSW Government portal that brings together beekeeping sites on public lands (including all TSR apiary sites) allowing beekeepers to apply for and manage their public apiary site permits and licences in one platform.
Apply for and manage your apiary reserve use permits with BPASS.
Stock watering place lease
Stock watering places (SWP) are controlled TSR within the North West and Western Local Land Services regions to which LLS may grant a lease to allow stock to rest, graze, water and camp overnight or for longer periods as required.
SWP leases are allocated via a tender process. Submissions are assessed based on selection criteria that will ensure appropriate ongoing land management and maintenance of the TSR.
There are currently no tenders scheduled.
Other required documentation
Permit applicants must:
- provide appropriate documentation with the application
- ensure the application meets the necessary National Livestock Identification Scheme (NLIS) requirements (this ensures that we can monitor movements and trace diseases)
- have a property identification code (PIC) before trading or moving cattle, sheep, goats or pigs in NSW
- hold appropriate and current insurances for the activities being undertaken for all permit types.
Contact Local Land Services NSW
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