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The Best Environmental Management Practice (BeMP) toolkit helps Local Land Services to deliver land management outcomes for travelling stock reserves consistent with the Travelling stock reserves statewide plan of management. You can download the full toolkit at the end of this page.
The BeMP deals with environmental matters related to:
The toolkit:
The NSW Environmental Trust Linear Reserves Project funded the development of the BeMP toolkit.
The BeMP guides the field-based condition assessment and management of TSR based on:
As part of the NSW Environmental Trust Linear Reserves project, a rapid conservation assessment method was developed. This helps TSR managers actively monitor conservation values and adapt management activities to maintain or improve these values over time.
The rapid assessment method uses a three-part scoring system to assess TSR:
The training package and guidelines for the rapid assessment methodology ensure statewide consistency.
For further information, download the TSR rapid assessment methodology (PDF 2.97MB).
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has compiled a ‘best available’ spatial dataset on the conservation value of TSR.
Historical data on conservation values (high, medium, low, and unknown) for TSR managed by LLS has been compiled as part of the NSW Environmental Trust Linear Reserves project.
Best environmental management practices for TSR focus on:
The size, scale, and diversity of TSR require a consistent method for rating conservation value to guide management principles.
Vegetation condition ratings consider:
Maintaining conservation values for TSR means maintaining vegetation condition over time. The resources required vary according to vegetation condition ratings:
Improving conservation values of TSR involves enhancing vegetation condition. This may include:
Enhancing existing management practices may involve altering grazing regimes or focusing weed and pest control activities.
New management practices may include:
The BeMP toolkit provides advice on best environmental management practices for key activities on TSR, including:
For more information, download the BeMP toolkit below.
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