What are stock watering places?
Stock watering places (SWP) are controlled travelling stock reserves (TSR) in the North West and Western Local Land Services regions.
Local Land Services (LLS) can grant a lease to these places to let stock rest, graze, drink water, and camp overnight or longer.
SWPs are about 10 -15km apart, which is a day’s walk for stock, along TSR routes. They were historically used for watering and camping travelling stock overnight.
LLS is the controlling authority of SWPs that are not town water supplies or have no other authority.
LLS can lease an SWP to landholders for water and grazing.
The lessee must provide water (if available) to prescribed people or stock and allow prescribed stock to depasture.
Tender process for stock watering place leases
Leases are allocated via a tender process. In 2023, Local Land Services introduced standardised SWP lease processes across the state so there is a consistent, more transparent process for how we grant SWP leases.
Local Land Services will select successful tenderers in each region. This will be based on selection criteria that will ensure appropriate ongoing land management and maintenance of the TSR.
Tender submissions closed on Friday, 9 June 2023. No further submission periods are planned at this stage.