Rules and guidance for housing and construction
Find rules, guidance and notes for topics such as renting, tenants' and landlords' rights and obligations.
Making a domestic violence declaration to end a tenancy
A range of professionals ('competent persons') may provide a domestic violence declaration as evidence to support a tenant ending a tenancy early, without penalty.
Eviction of a tenant from a rental property
A landlord or agent must follow a lawful process before they can evict a tenant.
Rent records kept by agents and landlords
A landlord or agent must keep a record or ledger of rent received and provide a tenant with a copy within 7 days of receiving a written request.
Non-payment of rent
If a tenant does not pay rent, they may receive a termination notice from their property agent or landlord.
Fair wear and tear versus damage in rental properties
What is 'fair wear and tear' and what is damage in a rental property? Find out what the differences are and who is responsible for repairs and maintenance.
Minimum notice periods for access to rental property
Learn the permitted reasons and the minimum notice required for landlord or agent entry to a rental property without the tenant’s consent.
Making improvements under an agricultural tenancy
Tenants can make improvements on a farm with or without the owner’s consent in certain situations. Compensation can be agreed upon between the owner and the tenant.
Information a tenant should get at start of tenancy
What information landlords or agents need to provide to tenants when signing a residential tenancy agreement.
Rental property condition reports
The condition report is evidence of how a rental property was before a tenant moved in. It is filled in at the beginning and end of a tenancy.
Telephone and internet utilities in rental properties
Tenants are responsible for organising their own telephone and internet connections when they move into a rental property.