Resources for tenants
Find essential documents, downloadable forms and other information for tenants in residential tenancies.
Water efficiency measures for rental properties in NSW - fact sheet
A fact sheet for tenants and landlords in NSW about how to meet water efficiency measures in a rental property.
Transfer of bond form
Use this form to transfer a residential rental bond from one property to another.
Change of shared tenancy
Use this form when you need to change a shared tenancy arrangement.
Fair Trading Commissioner's Guidance
Fair Trading Commissioner's guidance on dealing with personal information from tenancy applicants and tenants.
Tenancy complaint form
If you have a dispute about a property or a tenancy, use this form to lodge a complaint with NSW Fair Trading.
End of tenancy survey questions
Read the questions asked by NSW Fair Trading in a survey given at the end of a tenancy.
Declaration by competent person (for a tenant’s dependent child)
Use this form to have a 'competent person' declare that the tenant’s dependent child is in circumstances of domestic violence.
Declaration by competent person
Use this form to have a 'competent person' declare that a tenant is in circumstances of domestic violence.
Standard residential tenancy agreement
Use this template as a written agreement between a tenant and a landlord.
Notice to terminate tenancy agreement by tenant
Used by a tenant to notify a landlord or agent that the tenant is ending the tenancy.