Latest land values published
The Valuer General has published the latest land values for every parcel of land across New South Wales. The land values reflect the value of land only, as at 1 July 2024. See:
- NSW-wide summary media release New land valuations for NSW
- Full report at Valuer General's report on NSW land values
- Sydney, regional and coastal NSW regions summaries below.
- For a specific land valuation see Find land values
Also see the Valuer General's land values information pages.

Browse land value summaries by region

City of Sydney
New land values for the City of Sydney.

Greater Sydney
New land values for Greater Sydney.

Regional NSW
New land values for regional New South Wales.

Coastal NSW
New land values for coastal New South Wales.
Valuer General NSW
The NSW Valuer General is an independent officer responsible for overseeing property valuation, and ensuring fair and transparent land values. Find out more about the Valuer General supported by the work of Value NSW.