Services and tools for land valuation

The Valuer General has services to help you find your land value, object to a valuation and more.

Woman with back turned holding pen and form in front of window, with calculator and laptop visible on desk in front of her.
How to find land values

Learn how to search for and find land valuations in NSW with our easy to use online tools and resources.
Read the land values guide

Property sales information

Property sales are the most important factor valuers consider when valuing land. Learn how you can access this information.
Finding sales information guide

Young man seated looking at phone in hand and laptop open on table.
Object to a valuation

If you disagree with a valuation, you can object to it. Learn about the steps you need to take to lodge an objection.
Guide to lodging an objection

Land values and property sales map

Discover land values and property sales information from across NSW with our interactive map. 

Explore the map

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