Types of service providers - vocational education and training
There are a range of service providers helping to deliver quality vocational education and training in NSW. This includes people providing employment, formal training, industry advice and other support.
Training Services
The government body that looks after vocational education and training in NSW is Training Services.
We work with and provide information on a range of NSW providers.
Our Industry Training Officers provide advice, assistance and support to apprentices, trainees and their employers.
We also may pay for all or part of the cost of a student's course so they can afford to study with training providers.
Contact us to be connected to your local Training Services centre.
Registered training organisations (RTOs)
RTOs deliver vocational education and training that gives you skills to carry out work in different industries.
If you study with an RTO, you get quality training from an approved provider.
Your qualification will be nationally recognised.
RTOs will give you skills to succeed in today’s workforce. They stay up to date with industries and training packages.
What’s the difference between RTOs and other training organisations?
RTOs are registered by ASQA to deliver nationally recognised VET training and qualifications.
RTOs must be registered to train apprentices and trainees in NSW. See For Training Providers for details on requirements for training apprentices or trainees in NSW.
What types of RTOs are there in NSW?
There are a variety of RTOs operating in NSW. Some are public such as TAFE NSW, community based, such as adult and community education providers, and some are private. Some specialise in a particular industry. Others deliver training across a range of industries.
If you’re a student looking for providers or courses, see Skills NSW
Are you an RTO?
- Visit our Training providers pages and Login page
- Visit the formal training for apprentices and trainees page.
- See our Resources Library for Policies, Apprenticeships Support Network bulletins, Vocational training guidelines
- Visit our Smart and Skilled pages.
Group Training Organisations (GTOs)
Group training organisations employ apprentices and trainees. GTOs place the apprentices or trainees with a host employer. The host employer gives them on-the-job training.
See our GTO pages:
- How GTOs help (information for employers)
- Find a GTO in NSW
- GTO recruitment
- GTO registration (information for GTOs)
Apprentice Connect Australia Providers
Employers can't start an apprenticeship or traineeship without an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider. Who advise employers on:
- the right type of apprenticeship or traineeship for a business
- paperwork and administration for establishing and maintaining the apprenticeship or traineeship
- eligibility and how to apply for government incentive payments.
or Find an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider
Are you an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider?
- Visit our Logins page, apprentices and trainee provider and employer pages.
- See our Resources Library for Policies, Apprenticeships Support Network bulletins, Vocational training guidelines.
Work Placement Service Provider (WPSP)
Work Placement Service Providers make sure HSC VET students get work placements for the industry course they’re studying. WPSPs liaise between the schools/TAFE colleges and the employers (including government agencies). They coordinate the best possible placements for students.
For providers see:
Industry Training Advisory Body (ITAB)
Industry based bodies (ITABs) advise on training and related matters on behalf of their industry sectors. See our ITAB page for contacts.
Adult and community education (ACE)
Adult and community education (ACE) provides affordable, local training and education.
In NSW you can access adult and community education in metro, regional, rural and remote areas. It’s targeted to local individuals, businesses and communities.
See our ACE pages:
TAFE NSW is one of the largest providers of vocational education and training. There are hundreds of courses to choose from.
TAFE stands for Technical and Further Education. Students get equipped with practical skills and knowledge, gain strong employer connections and are more job ready upon completion of their course.
For corporate and governance matters related to TAFE see Corporate - TAFE NSW