First-time accreditation
Apply for first-time accreditation in NSW if you are a current teacher education student, graduate, or interstate or overseas-trained teacher.

Working as a teacher in NSW
All teachers must be accredited to work in a NSW school or centre-based early childhood service. Learn about the requirements for getting accredited.
ID requirements
Learn what identification you need to apply for accreditation and re-accreditation, documents we can accept, who can certify copies and how to submit them.
How to apply for re-accreditation to teach in NSW if you voluntarily cancelled your accreditation, or had your accreditation ceased or revoked.
Suitability to teach
Learn what NESA does to assess a person's suitability to teach in NSW, including how we conduct criminal history checks.
Voluntary accreditation
Understand how voluntary accreditation may apply to you if you are a non-school or service-based teacher.
Stay informed with NESA newsletters
Subscribe to NESA newsletters for all the latest news, media releases and official notices.
Contact our teacher accreditation team
You can contact specialist teacher accreditation staff depending on your circumstances.
Call: 1300 739 338 or if you are calling from overseas +61 2 9268 6300
Stay connected
Keep in touch by following NESA on social media.
For more information on how to contact a specific team or make a complaint, visit NESA's contact us page.