HSC facts and figures

Each year NESA takes snapshots of HSC students' enrolments, participation, provisions and malpractice statistics. Learn about the most recent HSC student cohort, or view cohorts from previous years.

A group of school students chatting and laughing in the park on a sunny day

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Improvements are being made in stages as we migrate content to nsw.gov.au/NESA. This will have no impact on the information available to you.  

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HSC participation and performance statistics

Learn the key participation and performance statistics for the previous year's HSC cohort, including course completions, performance bands and HSC Merit Lists and showcases.

Three school students chatting and smiling outdoors

HSC fairness and integrity statistics

NESA publishes fairness and integrity data for the previous year’s HSC. Learn about the statistics for disability provisions, illness and misadventure, and breaking HSC rules.


Students using computers in class

2024 enrolment statistics

There were 80,166 students studying one or more HSC courses in 2024. Learn about the key statistics for HSC students.

View latest statistics

A group of school students with backpacks walking together outside

Previous years' statistics

View previous HSC statistics on student participation, enrolments, provisions and malpractice data from 2022 to 2019.

2023 facts and figures

This data reports on the 2023 HSC cohort. View a student overview, course and region enrolments, and malpractice data. 

2022 facts and figures

This data reports on the 2022 HSC cohort. View a student overview, course and region enrolments, and malpractice data.

2021 facts and figures

This data reports on the 2021 HSC cohort. View a student overview, course and region enrolments, malpractice data, and statistics on special considerations applications.

2020 facts and figures

This data reports on the 2020 HSC cohort. View a student overview, course and region enrolments, and malpractice data.

2019 facts and figures

This data reports on the 2019 HSC cohort. View a student overview, course and region enrolments, and malpractice data.

Previous years' disability provisions

This data reports on disability provisions applications between 2019 to 2021. View application overviews by sector, provision and school.

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You can contact NESA by phone or post

Call: +61 2 9367 8111

NSW Education Standards Authority
PO Box 5300
Sydney NSW 2001

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