Apply for a new VET Board Endorsed course
Schools must follow this process to seek endorsement for a new Stage 5 or 6 VET Board Endorsed course (BEC), additional units of competency or a change to pattern of delivery. Find out how and when to apply.
When schools should apply
Schools should undertake this application process when seeking endorsement for:
- a course based on an AQF qualification that is not currently endorsed by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
- additional unit(s) of competency from the qualification not currently available in the NESA course
- pattern of delivery (such as 2 units x 2 years or 4 units x 1 year) not currently available in an endorsed course.
Schools should seek advice from their school system or sector VET consultant or advisor prior to commencing the application process. Application forms are available for new Stage 5 or 6 VET Board Endorsed courses.
Closing dates for new course applications in 2025
Application for a new Stage 5 or 6 VET BEC:
- Submit to school system or sector by Friday 30 May 2025
- School system or sector send to NESA by Friday 27 June 2025.
Application for a new Stage 6 VET BEC for school-based apprentices/trainees (for commencement in 2026):
- Submit to school system or sector by Friday 27 February 2026
- School system or sector send to NESA.
For more information contact
Guidelines for applying
What are Stage 5 and Stage 6 VET BECs?
Stage 5 and Stage 6 VET BECs are courses based on national Training Packages that are endorsed by NESA for inclusion as an elective in Year 9 or 10 (Stage 5) or in the Higher School Certificate (HSC) (Stage 6).
NESA will only endorse a new VET course for inclusion in Stage 5 or Stage 6 where the need for the course cannot be met from the wide range of VET courses already offered by NESA. These include courses within the Stage 6 Board Developed VET Industry Curriculum Frameworks (Frameworks) and existing Stage 5 and Stage 6 VET BECs.
Framework syllabuses and course descriptions for existing VET BECs are available here:
- Stage 6 VET Industry Curriculum Frameworks
- Stage 6 VET Board Endorsed courses
- Stage 5 VET Board Endorsed courses.
VET BEC applications for Years 9 and 10 (Stage 5) must describe the:
- course structure proposed for endorsement – for example, a 100-hour course
- AQF VET qualification outcome – these are at a lower level than those contained in Stage 6 HSC VET courses
- course requirements for the course structure proposed, including:
- core and/or elective units of competency – would generally not include units of competency contained in Stage 6 HSC VET courses
- project and work-based learning requirements.
Applicants should read the Guidelines for access to VET courses by students in Years 9 and 10 prior to completing an application for a new Stage 5 VET BEC.
VET BEC applications for the HSC (Stage 6) must describe the:
- course structure(s) proposed for endorsement – for example, 120 HSC indicative hours (2 HSC credit units) or 240 HSC indicative hours (4 HSC credit units)
- AQF VET qualification outcome
- course requirements for each course structure proposed, including:
- core and/or elective units of competency, and
- work placement requirements.
Establishing a rationale
The rationale for a VET BEC must clearly explain why the needs of students cannot be met by an existing course. The rationale must also explain:
- how the course aligns with industry training needs
- the employment opportunities aligned to the course
- the pathways and credit transfer available to post-school AQF VET qualifications
- the evidence of student interest in the course.
Schools will need to discuss their proposal with a VET consultant or advisor in their school system or sector prior to applying.
Following discussions with your school system or sector, the Curriculum VET team at NESA is also available for advice by email to or phone on 02 9367 8333.
Applications for endorsement
Applications for a new course can be made using the appropriate application form for a new Stage 5 or 6 VET Board Endorsed course.
To be processed, an application must include all required signatures and supporting documentation. Incomplete applications will be returned to the school and/or school system or sector.
Applications need to be submitted by the closing dates in order to have the course considered, endorsed and ready for student entries in the following school year.
Application process
Course proposals need to be submitted via the relevant school system or sector.
Proposals supported by the school system or sector will be forwarded to NESA for consideration. Please note that school system or sector support does not guarantee NESA endorsement.
NSW Department of Education schools
NSW Department of Education schools should consult with the VET Curriculum Coordinator before commencing the application.
Send applications to:
If the course is planned for a school-based apprentice or trainee, Department of Education schools should consult with their SBAT officer before commencing the application.
Send applications to:
Catholic diocesan and Religious Institute/Ministerial Public Juridic Persons schools
For Catholic diocesan and Religious Institute/Ministerial Public Juridic Persons schools linking to the Diocesan Education Office as their RTO, send applications to your Diocesan VET Contact.
Applications supported by the Diocesan Education Office are to be forwarded to CSNSW Senior Manager, Vocational Education:
Independent schools
For independent schools, send applications to:
AISNSW VET Consultant
The Association of Independent Schools of NSW
Level 12, 99 York Street
Sydney NSW 2000
All applications
Applications for qualifications and/or units of competency not currently endorsed by NESA must include evidence of industry support (for example, letter or email). As a minimum, evidence needs to include support from the appropriate NSW Industry Training Advisory Body (ITAB).
Send applications with school system or sector support to:
Criteria for endorsement of a VET BEC
VET BEC proposals are assessed by a Board Endorsement Panel for endorsement against the following criteria. These criteria should be considered when designing VET course proposals.
Course proposal applications must include sufficient explicit information to allow the Board Endorsement Panel to assess the course proposal against the following criteria.
- Identified student needs cannot be met by an existing NESA course. The course does not duplicate or substantially overlap an existing VET course.
- The course is based on a national Training Package where this exists and consists of units of competency drawn from the relevant Training Package.
- In industry areas where a Training Package is not available, the course is based on a VET accredited course.
- The course provides clearly defined pathways to an AQF VET qualification under the Australian Qualifications Framework.
- The course accords with broad industry training needs and relates to an industry or industry sector, not to a specific enterprise. It has been developed with industry consultation and addresses demonstrated employment opportunities, student demand and sustainability.
- Explicit course structure(s) are provided, identifying the course requirements including core and elective units of competency and indicative hours appropriate for Stage 5/HSC unit credit.
- A component of work placement appropriate to the industry and course outcomes is specified.
- The course incorporates a competency-based approach to assessment.
- The qualification is included in the scope of registration of the delivering RTO.
- The application must provide evidence of support by the relevant school system or sector.