VET syllabus development and maintenance
The process for developing and endorsing Stage 6 VET curriculum differs from general education curriculum. View the processes for developing and maintaining syllabuses and learn about the criteria used to determine their viability.
How VET curriculum is updated
Updates to VET curriculum are generally triggered by changes to the national Training Packages (qualifications and units of competency) on which they are based.
The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) is required to adhere to learner transition rules according to Clause 1.26 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. This gives RTOs 12 months from the date of release to:
- update their teaching and assessment
- transition students to the new qualification.
Preferences of key stakeholders guide NESA to determine whether to transition to the new release sooner.
NESA addresses VET amendments and revisions (minor or moderate changes) throughout the year, by collaborating with key stakeholders, to ensure adherence to Australian Skills Quality Authority’s (ASQA) learner transition requirements.
Stage 6 VET syllabus maintenance process

Stage 6 VET framework syllabus development process

Criteria to determine the viability of a VET syllabus