NSW school curriculum

The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) sets the curriculum for Kindergarten to Year 12, ensuring high-quality education across NSW. Explore essential information, resources, and support for teachers, students, and parents.

Happy high school students and a teacher during a school lesson.

We're improving our online experience by migrating content to this site

Improvements are being made in stages as we migrate content from educationstandards.nsw.edu.au. VET information is the latest content to move, and other curriculum information will follow in 2025. The NSW Curriculum website continues to house K-12 syllabuses that have been updated as part of the NSW Curriculum Reform.

Leave your feedback about the new site on our feedback form.  

A cheerful female school teacher standing with a smile on her face, she is holding her glasses.

Discover a collection of resources and information to support teachers both inside and outside the classroom.

A female teacher talking to a group of students in a science classroom.

Find helpful guides and information to help students in their learning journey, as well as information on celebrating student excellence.

A mother walking her three boys to school outside on a sunny morning.
Parents and carers

Explore information and resources designed to support parents and carers in guiding their child’s learning journey.

Key learning areas

Key learning areas (KLAs) describe broad areas of learning. In NSW, syllabuses are developed within the following KLAs.

Curriculum reform

NSW is delivering a new curriculum for Kindergarten to Year 12. It's the first comprehensive reform of the NSW school curriculum in 3 decades. Learn about why and how NESA is reforming the curriculum.

Happy school girl listening in class.


Learn about NESA’s role in supporting the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). Find out how to support your child during the test window, and how results are measured and reported.


Learn more

Mother and teenage boy doing homework together at home.


Female teacher discussing STEM: Mathematics during class.

Understanding how the NSW curriculum works

NESA is responsible for developing syllabuses to be taught in New South Wales schools from Kindergarten through to Year 12.

The curriculum is structured into Primary and Secondary stages of learning.


Learn more

Student support

Student wellbeing

Discover helpful resources to support students through their final year of school, promoting mental resilience and wellbeing as they prepare for the HSC.

Leaving school and RoSA

Some students leave school before finishing the Higher School Certificate (HSC). Learn about study and work options and how to showcase your knowledge and achievements.

Spotlight on success

Teachers inspire, students achieve, and together they shape the future. Let's recognise and celebrate their dedication, hard work, and commitment to learning, growth, and excellence in education.


A male teacher standing in front of a whiteboard smiling to camera.
Teacher excellence

HALT Ceremony


An over-the-shoulder view of two female teachers having a pre-school meeting and sharing teaching ideas with each other.
Teacher excellence

World Teachers' Day


Teenager performing contemporary dance on stage with spotlights.
Student excellence

HSC Showcase Hub


Teenage girls talking in a school class room.
Student excellence

HSC merit lists

Updates from NESA

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Contact our curriculum team

You can contact specialist curriculum staff at NESA for more information.

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For more information on how to contact a specific team or make a complaint, visit NESA's contact us page.

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